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New Feed

A news feed is used the show the latest 3-4 articles for all DeSales news or items from a selected category.

How to Use

  • The news feed is used to display articles within the selected criteria (category, tag, date range), related to the content of the page or program. A large, featured news item may also be shown.
  • When entering news stories, consider keeping article titles under 100 characters for scannability.
  • Short descriptions on news items should be kept to a maximum of 175 characters when possible to streamline the display of the feed.
  • News titles and dates will display for each item; titles will link to the full article. Categories will display for Featured news items.
  • When headlines are used with a featured news item, it is recommended to limit the number of items displayed 4.
  • When headlines are displayed without a featured news item, the number of items can be limited or paginated.

How To Build

Instructions on how to build this component.

Content Guidelines

Information will be added at a later date.
