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Cards are used to draw attention to content that can be found on another page or site. They are used in rows of 3 or 4.

How to Use

  • A card is one element that contains an image and link.
  • Cards highlight key content and are meant to be placed three or four side-by-side in a grid.
  • Authors can stack as many card rows as needed but it is recommended not to exceed three rows.

How To Build

  1. First you will need to add columns. Click on "Layout" in the top right of the screen.
  2. Drag the layout, either 4+4+4 for 3 columns or 3+3+3+3 for 4 columns, onto the page where you want your card row to be displayed.
  3. Click back to "Content" in the top right.
  4. Drag one "Card" component into each of the columns you created.
    • The card component is found in the default "Content" section of components. It is not under "Desales Components".
  5. Click on the Edit pencil on the card to add your content.
  6. Fill in the pop-up form
    • Heading: Larger text below the image
    • Text: smaller text below the image
    • Image: card image
    • Link: where the card should link to
    • Note: Label is not used.
  7. Click Save.

Content Guidelines

Information will be added at a later date.


veterans wreath on DeSales campus
Card Heading
Card description text.
veterans wreath on DeSales campus
Card Heading
Card description text.
veterans wreath on DeSales campus
Card Heading
Card description text.