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Turn Your Degree into a Career: Teach

Teacher Intern Certification in Early Childhood Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education

If you have a bachelor's degree, the DeSales Teacher Intern Certification Program can help fast-track your teaching career.

In this two-phase program, you'll ...

  1. Earn a teacher intern certification. 
    This certification qualifies you to work as a teacher while you ...
  2. Complete the program to earn your full Instructional I certificate.

Reasons to Choose TIP

  • Acceptance into the Program is an opportunity to work in an instructional position while you earn your Intern Certification and progressing through to your Instructional I certification.
  • The pathway is customized to your needs and goals — while maintaining rigorous and high-quality learning standards.
  • The program is designed to teach, mentor, and support you throughout the entire certification process.
  • DeSales courses are online, flexible, and taught by leaders in the Education field.
  • A nationwide teacher shortage equates to a demand for teachers in all areas, especially math, science, foreign language, and special education.

Accelerated Teacher Intern Programs

About the Intern Certification

Intern Certification is a Pennsylvania-approved alternate-route teacher certificate that allows individuals to hold full-time professional teaching positions for up to three years once the Intern Certification is issued. 

DeSales was the first in Pennsylvania to offer the Special Education PreK-12 Intern Certification Program.

Learn more on the PDE website   

This program is best suited for candidates who hope to work in areas of teacher shortage such as in special education, mathematics, the sciences, and world languages. 

Connect to Learn More:

Katie Blamey, Ph.D, DeSales University

If you are ready to take the next step in your journey to certification, join us today. We are here to help you every step of the way.

— Dr. Katrin Blamey , Education Department Chair, M.Ed. Director