Faculty Spotlight Row
The Faculty Spotlight row is used to highlight select faculty members related to a department, division, program or the relevant page content.
How to Use
- The row may be used to highlight four faculty members from department.
- The "Meet Our Faculty" button will link to a full page of faculty members from the particular department.
How To Build
- Drag the "Faculty Spotlight Row" component onto the page.
- Found under "DeSales Components"
- Click the Edit Pencil in the top right.
- Fill in the fields in the pop-up form.
- Title: The large title on the spotlight row.
- Image: The large image for the background of the spotlight row, gradient overlay is added automatically.
- Faculty 1-4: Faculty profiles to select and display on the spotlight row.
- Label: The text on the button of the spotlight row.
- Link To: Where the button links to.
- Title: The large title on the spotlight row.
- Click "Save" at the bottom.
Content Guidelines
Information will be added at a later date.