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Library Hours

This will automatically display library hours for the current week.

How to Use

  • Use this display library hours for the current week.
  • The View All Library Hours button will open the full calendar.
  • Additional notes may be added to highlight upcoming schedule changes or alerts.

How To Build

  1. Drag the "Library Hours" component onto the page.
    • Found under "DeSales Components"
  2. Hours for the week will be dynamically generated; click the Edit Pencil in the top right to edit supplementary elements of the component.
  3. Fill in the fields in the pop-up form.
    • Title: The heading title of the hours component
    • Full Calendar Link: The direct link to the full library calendar ( ); this is linked at the bottom of the component as a button
    • Notes: Additional notes which display under the hours
  4. Click "Save" at the bottom.

Content Guidelines

Information will be added at a later date.

Library Hours

Library hours
June 30 - July 6
Sunday Closed
Monday - Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday - Saturday Closed