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Prayer for September 11, 2020

By Fr. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS,  Vice President for Mission, Assistant Professor of Education

Memorial Service, DeSales University Armed Services Memorial Plaza


God of all Creation, thank you for making all of us,

every person on this planet, in your image and likeness. 

As you created each of us, you are our Divine Parent,

and, yes, we are all brothers and sisters. 

We come before you on this 19th anniversary of the terroristic attack

on our land that killed so many

in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania,

innocent women, men, children and unborn. 

We remember them and ask you to embrace them

more deeply in your eternal love. 

We remember their loved ones whose lives and hearts

may still be broken by the evil of that cloudless day

that chipped our shared American soul. 

We ask you to heal them,

especially where their memories and families

struggle for wholeness.


O God of our one human family, heal our nation. 

Please heal our nation. 


Bless us with forgiveness to love our neighbors,

regardless of their national origin or race.  


Bless us with wisdom to know the difference

between a patriotism that leads

to American generosity and hospitality

and saves us and others from a narrow nationalism

that excludes others and hoards our abundance.  


Bless us with compassion to see your presence

in those in need of community and care, food and friendship,

healthcare and a home.  


Bless us with peace to quell violent attitudes of racism,

violent acts of protest, and violent acts of policing.  


And, bless us with humility to remain open

to a new idea, a new friend,

and a new way of understanding how you call us

to be one human race,

running in grace,

closer to face

the challenges of our days with hope in you,

with respect for all,

and with a gentleness that honors the dignity

that your creation plants in every human being,

striving to be who we are and be that well. 


We ask your protection of the women and men

in our nation’s armed services

and our own veterans here on our campus. 


Finally, we ask for the eternal rest of the soul of one of our own,

Daniel Gallagher, from the Class of 2000,

who died in the attacks, 19 years ago this day. 

Watch over his family, please.


We make this prayer in the name of the One true God.  AMEN. 


Fr. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS

Vice President for Mission

Assistant Professor of Education