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Trexler Tuesday: Digital Scholarly Resources Available from Anywhere

by Katelyn Q. Manwiller Mar 24, 2020
Trexler Library

Do you need scholarly resources you can access from anywhere? Trexler Library has got you covered!

We know faculty and students may be struggling to find electronic replacements for print resources now that classes have shifted to remote. We have a variety of sources to supplement your coursework, all explained in our new Electronic Resources guide. Learn more about the resources below and search for them on the EResources guide.

  • 200,000+ ebooks from reliable university presses and academic publishers, like Oxford University Press and SAGE Knowledge. These include reference sources like encyclopedias, authoritative sources on scholarly topics, and recent academic research. They cover topics relevant to major DeSales programs and many can be downloaded to your devices.
  • Thousands of streaming videos through Films on Demand and Academic Videos Online. These videos can be embedded into Blackboard for easy access and are great resources to help students understand complex topics.
  • Peer-reviewed articles available electronically through academic databases. Many databases are subject-specific, which means they contain journals related to a specific field. If we do not have full-text access, Trexler Library can get it for you for free from another library.