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Eliza the Chef Returns to Campus to Share Culinary Tips and Tricks

by Morgan Simpson ’22 May 2, 2022

Feed who you are and feed that well. It’s Eliza Martin-Daly’s twist on the DeSales tagline.

The 2011 graduate returned to DeSales to share her passion of cooking with the next generation. Inspired by eliminating kitchen waste and teaching young people how to cook more than microwave noodles, she taught the audience how to make a handful of quick dishes. 

“Thirty-one percent of food in American households goes to waste every year,” Martin-Daly said.

With this in mind, she brought an arsenal of tips and tricks to eliminate waste and create tasty dishes that can be made anywhere, even in a residence hall. 

“All of the scraps that you throw away from vegetables can be used to make liquid gold: vegetable stock.”

As Martin-Daly chatted with the audience—referring to students as either friends or chefs—the smell of sautéing peppers, onions, and a variety of spices permeated the room. Her goal was to have her new friends feel more comfortable making something, even if it’s simple. 

“If you like to eat, as most college students do, the quickest way to great food is to learn how to cook,” she said. 

She weaved the Character U theme of hope into her presentation, stating that her hope for the next generation is that we can come together through food and learn to help the planet with our consumption habits. 

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Martin-Daly partnered with the student life department to host live cooking classes on DeSales’ Instagram Live. Her years of experience on the restaurant scene coupled with the title of “Chopped” champion gave her confidence in the kitchen that she hopes everyone can have one day. 

“Go make something beautiful and share it with someone,” she said.