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The 3 Steps to Informational Interviewing

by Grace Wyckoff '23, Career Ambassador Oct 31, 2022

Job interviews. We’ve all been there. You’re wearing your new suit sitting in the waiting room. Or you’re staring at your computer hoping Zoom doesn’t crash. It can be nerve wracking, but what happens when those tables are turned?

Informational interviewing involves conducting interviews with professionals in your field to make connections and gain valuable insight into the field of your choice. Even though it puts you in the driver’s seat, it can be just as nerve wracking as a job interview. So, here are the 3 steps to informational interviewing.

  1. Choose the right person to interview.

    Making connections is a huge part of informational interviewing, so you want to make sure the person you are choosing is a good fit for you and your career journey. This starts with research. You never want to stop at one informational interview, so research a position that interests you and use LinkedIn to find people in those positions! Connect with them on LinkedIn and message them to see if they would be interested! You can also ask your family and friends if they know anyone in your field, as an introduction from an old connection can be a great way to form a new one!
  2. Prepare for the interview.

    You got the connection and set up an appointment, now what? It’s time to go back to our research. There are many resources online and in our office that can help you prepare for you informational interview. Learn more at our MyDSU page
  3. Always follow up. You did it!

    You completed the interview and made a new connection, now what? Send a follow up email ASAP thanking them for their time and mention a few specific things they shared that you appreciated. Always ask if they can connect you with anyone else so you can continue this cycle in your future informational interviews.

Use these steps to complete your next informational interview and come into our office to speak to a Career Ambassador or Pro-Staff member for tips on your next informational interview or set up a mock interview!

Career Developmen Center
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Though your time as a DeSales student might be over, you're still an important part of our family. We're happy to help you boost your career or explore a new path.
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