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Should I Change my Major? Thoughts to Consider

by Melissa Israel, ’23, Career Ambassador Nov 14, 2022

Many students begin college thinking they know the exact career journey they would like to embark on. However, the collegiate experience is not always a linear path.

College is a time to explore your interests and grow your passions, and sometimes doing so involves switching to a major that better suits you as an individual. This was the case for me. Entering college my freshman year, I thought with near certainty that I was going to become a physical therapist. However, my academic coursework and personal experiences eventually led me to the realization that becoming a physician is the path I am truly passionate about. Switching majors from Health Science to Neuroscience during my junior year certainly came with its fair share of challenges. It was a decision that required a lot of time and self-reflection, but in the end, I am confident that it was the right decision for me. 

Perhaps you have found yourself in a similar situation where you are contemplating whether to change to a new major. If so, these are four pieces of advice that I offer as you navigate this difficult choice.

Understand your motives

Switching majors can be a scary process, but taking the leap to pursue what you are passionate about is sometimes the best thing you can do. Nonetheless, it is crucial to make sure you are switching majors for the right reasons. I encourage you to set aside time to sit with your own thoughts. Reflect on questions like “why did you select your current major?” And “what sparked your desire to change your major?” 

Are you struggling with your academic coursework? Did you select your initial major for the wrong reasons? Did you have an unenjoyable internship? Did you have an eye-opening experience that introduced you to a new field of interest? 

You do not need to enjoy or ace all of your classes, but if you no longer feel excited or motivated by the thought of your future profession, switching majors may be the right decision. As simple as it sounds, creating a pros and cons list for your current and prospective career paths is a useful tactic. Consider that changing majors may result in additional coursework, higher tuition costs, or graduation postponement. Are these sacrifices you are willing to make?

Job shadow

One of the most important factors that helped me in my decision to switch majors was job shadowing. Job shadowing gives you a glimpse into the day-to-day life of the profession you are considering pursuing. If you have a relative or family friend in your career field of interest, these are often the best people to reach out to about shadowing opportunities. In my case, I simply decided to email physicians at a local hospital. During my junior year, I was able to shadow three physicians as well as several physical therapists, and doing so was crucial in helping me to decide where I picture myself working in the future. Make sure to ask numerous questions while you are job shadowing, and think not just about whether you enjoy your experience in the moment, but whether that career is something you could truly envision yourself doing everyday for the next several decades of your life.

If you have questions about job shadowing or our externship program, please contact our Assistant Director of Experiential Learning, Kathy Krause, She’ll be able to help you explore the endless possibilities for a future career!

Network and communicate

While it is ultimately your decision whether or not to change majors, communicating and networking with other individuals can provide you with helpful insights. In my case, I spoke to professors and faculty members, physicians, medical students, my former high school teacher, family members, and friends among others. Have a conversation with people working in the professions you are considering. Ask them about their career paths, the things they like and dislike about their work, and whether they would do anything differently if they could travel back in time. Speak with your professors about the courses, logistics, and expectations involved with switching majors. Talk with trusted friends or family members who can serve as a listening ear as you process your thoughts and concerns regarding your career goals.

Use your Career Development Center resources

The Career Development Center offers numerous resources for students who may be considering changing their majors. For instance, Focus2 is a wonderful program that can help you to discover majors and careers that align with your strengths and interests. Other websites like Roadtrip Nation and Career Spots provide access to informational interviews that can help you learn more about specific careers. The DSU Mentor program is another excellent resource where you can connect with DeSales alumni who are passionate about sharing their career journeys, experiences, and advice with current DeSales students. 

Ultimately, when deciding whether or not to switch majors, you should trust your intuition and go with the option that you will have the least regrets about. You want to ensure that you are making the best decision, not simply for the present moment, but for your future self. If you take the time to do your research, talk to people, and reflect on your goals and passions, I am confident that you will make the right choice!

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