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Tackling the Transition

by Nicole Somers, Career Ambassador, ‘22 Jul 19, 2021

We all know how difficult the transition was from in-person learning to online learning, but now we are facing a new transition back into the classroom, which will certainly present its own challenges.

Here are some tips to be successful while moving back to on campus learning:

1. Be present

For some of us, at least for me, it was easy to get distracted while learning online. In my experience, it was all too easy to watch TV while on Zoom, or to check my emails while in class. If this sounds like you, then make the extra effort to be present in class. Go back to taking handwritten notes, or be sure to only have the tab open on your computer that is necessary for class. More open tabs leads to a higher risk of distraction.

If you are struggling, know that the Academic Success Center (formerly the Academic Resource Center) and your professors are there to help you.

2. Be adaptable

While the world is returning to normal, it is important to note that this past year and a half threw us all for a loop. Professors had to make their classes online friendly, and now they have to move back to being in the classroom full time as well. Be patient with your professors, and be prepared for classes to be different than how they were for students in previous years. Regardless of any changes that occur, know that you are not alone; everyone is adjusting! As they say, just “go with the flow.”

3. Make time for yourself

With online classes, there was a lot less time spent traveling to class/work, more time at home, and more time for yourself to decompress or do something that makes you happy. Be sure to keep time in your schedule that is dedicated to something that you enjoy. Whether it is a long walk, binge watching a new show, or cooking dinner, make sure that you are doing something you love each day. I always like the saying “not every day is good, but there is good in every day.” Keep time reserved each day to do something good.

4. Stay healthy

As you make time for self-care and doing something you enjoy, give special attention to your physical health. When classes return in Fall, it is a beautiful time to go outside for a walk or to study on the lawn. It is important to make sure you get out of the classroom and enjoy the outdoors while the weather is nice.

Also, make sure that you are maintaining a good sleep schedule and eating foods that fuel your body. Most of all, listen to your body. If you are exhausted, you are more likely to get sick, especially in the winter months. Our immune systems are likely weakened due to over a year of caution and intense cleaning, so it is incredibly important to do our best to remain healthy this fall. Be sure to take care of yourself and know when it is time to rest.

5. Stay positive

Change is hard for a lot of people, and after we finally adjusted to being online or hybrid, change is occurring again. Some changes are for the better, some will be more difficult, but through it all, just keep an open mind and a positive attitude! One way to stay positive is to keep a journal, note on your phone, or even a mental note of something good that happens each day.

For me, when it is hard to stay positive, I like to look at old pictures or notes and smile at the memories. Remembering some of the best times of my life helps me when things get a little tough. Those good memories are a reminder that things can and will get better.

Additionally, one way to put a smile on my face is to make someone else smile. Write on a sticky note and put it on someone’s laptop, or buy someone their favorite snack and watch it light up their day. Doing something to make someone else’s day better will almost always make your day better as well!

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