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A Career of Helping: Teacher Preparation at DeSales University

by Dr. Katrin Blamey Nov 30, 2020

The United States is currently experiencing a critical teacher shortage. There are not enough teachers to meet the demand, especially in the areas of science, mathematics, foreign languages, and special education. Moreover, educators predict that the teacher shortage is getting worse and will continue to grow into the foreseeable future.

What Do Teachers Do?

Teachers make a difference every single day in the lives of their students. Most obviously, they teach students how to learn, think, understand, and solve problems. Teachers engage students in learning about special content and inspire them to find their passions. But the impact of teachers goes even further. They provide a critical support system for their students, from connecting students to resources, to being there to listen when someone needs a friend, or to providing a role model of a successful life. Teachers ultimately help by guiding the next generation into their careers and beyond!

Would I Be a Good Teacher?

If you enjoy the process of learning and helping someone accomplish a task that they could not do before, then you could be a teacher. If you find joy in working with young people, then you could be a teacher. If you like the idea of a job that continues to change each day and presents opportunities to try new things and utilize creativity, then you could be a teacher. If you want to make a difference in the world, then you could be a teacher.

How Do I Become a Teacher?

Becoming a teacher involves taking courses on how to teach, participating in field experiences in classrooms, and student teaching. At DeSales, we offer teacher certification in Early Childhood Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education. If you are currently pursuing a major in Biology, Chemistry, Communications, English, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Spanish, or Theatre, you can add the coursework necessary to become a certified teacher. We offer routes from both undergraduate and graduate coursework.

Senior to Teacher in One Summer

With the DeSales Intern Certification program, you can become a teacher rather quickly. Students who have a B.A. in a content area listed above can enroll in graduate teacher preparation courses the summer after graduation. If you pass your courses and certification examination, you can qualify for an intern certification the very next fall. This enables you to work as a teacher while you finish your field experience and student teaching. You really can earn while you learn.

The need for well-prepared, enthusiastic teachers has never been more urgent. Research in PA alone shows that the number of new teachers certified each year is drastically lower than the number of teachers eligible for retirement, resulting in a huge gap. If you are interested in learning more about teacher preparation at DeSales, contact us via email at, or by phone at 610-282-1100 ext. 1455. There is nothing we like more than to help prepare the teachers of the future.

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