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Choose Thankfulness: Your Attitude Makes All The Difference

by Aubree Robitzer, Career Coach Nov 16, 2020

Every year, we as Americans have the Thanksgiving Holiday which brings to mind a plethora of mental images, some of these include: full bellies, football, quality time with loved ones, and much-needed rest and reflection. Each one of us has some sort of tradition during this holiday season whether we realize it or not. My family was never one for organized tradition; however, I’ve come to appreciate it in other families. 

One of these traditions is questions posed around the dinner table. For instance, have you ever been asked, “what are you most thankful for?” Sadly, it takes most people far too long to answer that question, myself included.

Let me encourage you! There is no time like the present than to start considering more regularly what you are thankful for. This attitude of thankfulness will not only carry into your personal life but also your professional one as well!

Employers today are looking for candidates who choose positive attitudes, which includes thankfulness!

Are you thankful for your job, coworkers, or the work you get to do? Do you realize how blessed you are by that current employment opportunity or your role as a student? There are many people who jump at the circumstances you, and I, have.  

We need to be choosing thankfulness, daily. For some, it comes more naturally and for others, it does not. Let’s consider how we can cultivate a culture of thankfulness now in ourselves and in our career development. Here are a few thoughts:

  1. Make a physical list of all things, people, situations, and memories that you are thankful for. Write them down or type them, then share what you have written with those who would most benefit from hearing them!
  2. At the end of each day, reflect back and think of three things that you were: thankful for, proud of, or can feel accomplished about.
  3. Whether you are employed or a full-time student, consider how you can thank your coworkers and peers: offer to buy them a cup of coffee, send them a thoughtful email, tell them how thankful you are for them at your next meeting!

Just like most traits and characteristics we have are formed out of habit, so is an attitude of thankfulness. Employers today are looking for candidates with positive outlooks and perspectives, especially during the pandemic we are all living through.

As we look to begin this holiday season and the end of the semester, let's make a pledge to choose thankfulness each day. We have far more blessings than we realize once we start naming them one by one!

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