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A Review of “Interview Q&A | What did you do during quarantine?”

by Aubree Robitzer, M.Ed. – Career Coach Jun 15, 2020
Many of us at some point in our lives have been asked the question, “what are you going to do once you graduate?”

Many of us at some point in our lives have been asked the question, “what are you going to do once you graduate?” I would argue that a good portion of those many individuals feel a sense of dread come upon them as that question leaves the lips of their inquisitive family members, friends, professors, and coworkers.

Often, the feeling of dread comes as result of a lack of preparation. Now, I’m not saying that all plans work out perfectly. The spring 2020 semester proves that. Nobody foresaw the COVID-19 pandemic, but we all had to respond to it during our time in quarantine. And just like those nosey loved ones we all have, employers to have a dying question they are looking to ask you, “what did you do during quarantine?”

Idealist’s, Alexis Perotta, gives an excellent overview on how to address this very question. Her points on reflection are key in order to effectively navigate the waters employers will ask of you.

First reflection: Before you get asked this question, now is the time to consider what you have been doing over the quarantine season. Have you done any reading, learned a new skill, begun a new hobby, or taken a course? Have you used this time to learn something new about yourself, developed a deeper understanding of your community, or dived deep into a “passion project” of yours? Lastly, have you been able to do any volunteer work, community organization, or connecting with your neighbors?

These are the types of responses employers are looking for. However, Perotta also goes into detail on how to respond if you’ve been an essential worker or if you genuinely don’t know how to answer the question. For more information on those items, I would highly encourage you to read the article; it only took me about 5 minutes.

Second preparation: Now that you’ve taken the time to reflect and determine how you want to answer the question, “what did you do during quarantine?”, it is necessary to prepare by practicing. There are a two of ways we can support you with that through the Career Development Center!

1.     Utilize biginterview: This site is designed to help students prepare for interviews through informational modules and mock interviewing.  It is a simple, fun, and effective way to go about refining and mastering your interviewing skills.

        a.     Click on the link above to go to the biginterview

         b.     Register using your DeSales' email *You will not be able to create an account without your DeSales' email*

        c.     Click on the "Getting Started" link on the left side of the page.  Watch the four short videos to get an introduction on the site, how to set up your microphone and webcam, the curriculum, and mock interviews.

       d.     See the Usage Guide to help you successfully utilize the resource

2.     Schedule a  Zoom mock interview with one of our professional staff or trained Career Ambassadors: Email us at and request to schedule a mock interview with us. One of us will get back to you to determine a day and time that works best.

Although there are only two methods mentioned here, they are not exhaustive in the resources the Career Development Center provides on interview preparation. These are simply the main suggestions on how to best practice answering the previously posed question. As you consider your current or upcoming application processes and interviews, please know that our office is here to support you. We would love nothing more than to help you reflect and prepare for these exciting opportunities!

Aubree Robitzer, M.Ed. – Career Coach

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