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Leadership Scholarship (6 Full-Tuition Scholarships)

This is your chance to earn one of six DeSales University full-tuition scholarships. The leadership scholarship is offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales.


  • You must be planning to enter DeSales University in Fall 2025, full-time, traditional day student.
  • You must apply to DeSales University no later than December 1, 2024.
  • Submit your completed scholarship application, essay and resume no later than December 1, 2024.
  • The scholarship is not transferable to any other institution and current students are not eligible.

Learn more about some of our past winners:

Meet Mary Frances McNulty: Business Administration Major and Leadership Scholarship Winner

by Janelle Hill Nov 28, 2022
Mary Frances McNulty Leadership Scholarship 2022

Doylestown, Pennsylvania 

1. Why did you want to come to DeSales? 

I chose DeSales because I love the community atmosphere. I felt I had a close connection with the faculty when I toured the campus. I love the programs that are offered, specifically the business program. I also thought it had a beautiful campus, and I just really love the values. 

2. Describe what your essay was about.

I chose to write my essay on the topic of courage. The main idea was addressing the extracurricular activities that I participated in, as well as my service to the community. I was the founder of the future business leaders club at my high school. I had to have the courage to reach out to the administration, and, despite some hesitation on their end, convince them why this club would be an asset to the school and the students. It ultimately became one of the most successful clubs by the end of my high school career. 

Also, I was involved with Operation Doylestown, a committee of business leaders and government officials in the town. I was the only student representative. I had to have courage and not be afraid to share my opinions and give insights from my perspective when working with influential people in my community.

3. Describe your reaction when you found out you won the Leadership Scholarship. 

My parents and I were ecstatic given that this was my first-choice college. This reaffirmed my opinion that this was where I was meant to be.

I knew from my tours of DeSales. My tour guides were great in explaining different opportunities and different activities that DeSales offers. I also met with faculty, who all seemed very welcoming and who were always open to helping students. I was so excited to officially commit to DeSales. 

4. Which clubs/activities are you involved in here on campus?

I’ve signed up for a number of clubs: Women in Business, the IDEAS club, the Management and Marketing Association. I was also very involved in my church in Doylestown, so I want to continue my involvement here at DeSales. I joined Ladies in Faith Together, I’m involved in campus ministry, I’ve been a lector at several Masses, and I was the reader at the Mission Convocation Mass. I’m trying to keep myself busy with all the things I enjoy.

5. Tell us a fun fact about yourself.  

When I was younger, I was a competitive swimmer. I actually competed in the Mid-Atlantic Junior Olympics in every stroke. Swimming was a big part of my life. 

The Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales. The deadline to apply is Thursday, December 1, 2022.