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Leadership Scholarship (6 Full-Tuition Scholarships)

This is your chance to earn one of six DeSales University full-tuition scholarships. The leadership scholarship is offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales.


  • You must be planning to enter DeSales University in Fall 2025, full-time, traditional day student.
  • You must apply to DeSales University no later than December 1, 2024.
  • Submit your completed scholarship application, essay and resume no later than December 1, 2024.
  • The scholarship is not transferable to any other institution and current students are not eligible.

Learn more about some of our past winners:

Meet Ryan Freda: 2020 Leadership Scholarship Winner

by Janelle Hill Nov 2, 2020

Lafayette, New Jersey 
Sport Management Major

1. Why did you want to come to DeSales?

From the minute I stepped foot on campus, I knew the sense of community was unlike anything else that I’ve seen before at any other campus. The opportunity to get a great education at DeSales and study sport management, as well as playing soccer on the men’s soccer team, was a big draw for me. DeSales was my top choice. I was super lucky to get the scholarship to allow me to come to my dream school. 

2. Describe your reaction when you found out you won the Leadership Scholarship. 

When I got the call, I was actually coaching a basketball game. It was like a moment of shock. You’re trying to stay focused on the game, but you’re also like, ‘Oh my gosh, I just won this scholarship.’ It was right before halftime. Then we went into the locker room. I took a moment to step back and was like, ‘Wow, I really did it.’ It was definitely a big moment in my life. 

3. What does this scholarship mean to you? 

This scholarship means the world to me. It allows me to attend DeSales, which was my number one choice. It also recognizes things that go beyond your GPA. It encompasses everything that you’ve done as a person.

4. Were you nervous coming to campus during a pandemic?

I’m not going to lie—there were some nerves. There are going to be some nerves just leaving home and going to college. But as soon as I got to campus, those nerves vanished because everybody is welcoming. Also, being on the men’s soccer team definitely made it easier as well. Being on a campus where everybody is supportive and handles the situation responsibly, it made everything a lot easier to take in—leaving home and being in a pandemic. 

5. Any advice for future Leadership Scholarship applicants?

This is your opportunity to explain some things that are always put on paper but aren’t always seen. Things that go beyond your GPA—you played a sport, you were in a club, some of the things where you took initiative to lead, where you showed good character. Take this moment to think about yourself as an entire person and not just an academic or an athlete. 

The Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, December 1, 2020.