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Academic Affairs Office
Academic Success Center
Admin and Support Offices
Administration and Finance
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
Alumni Relations
Auxiliary Services
Campus Bookstore
Campus Environment
Campus Life
Campus Ministry
Career Development Center
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
Character U/DeSales Experience
Chestnut Hill
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
College of Healthcare Professions
College of Sciences
Data Management and Analysis
Enrollment Management
Facilities Services
Financial Aid
Graduate Programs
Healthcare Simulation Center
Housekeeping and Custodial Services
Human Resources
Information Technology
Institutional Advancement
Institutional Research and Analysis
International Learning
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
Marketing and Communications
Occupational Safety and Health
Office of Student Accessibility
Office of Student Conduct
Office of the Provost
Office of Veterans and Military Services
Online Learning
PA Shakespeare Festival
Police and Public Safety
President's Cabinet
President's Office
Registrar's Office
Residence Life/Housing
School of Education
School of Nursing
School of Performing Arts
Student Engagement and Leadership Office
Student Life
Student/Community Programs (CSSJ)
The Center for Faith and Justice
Title IX
Treasurer's Office
Trexler Library
Web Communications
Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
Writing Center
Position Title
DeSales Number with Ext.
Office Location
Kelly Abraham
Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
610-282-1100, x2021
134 Dorothy Day
Luis Acevedo
Police Corporal
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1784
Lawless Center
David Achenbach
Academic Advisor
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x1314
Suite 142 Dooling Hall
Kelly M. Angelucci, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist, Dance
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
Marc Albanese
Vice President for Campus Environment
President's Cabinet, Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x1213
Buckley Center
Mark Albert
Chief Information Officer; Associate Vice President for Information Technology
President's Cabinet, Information Technology, Administration and Finance
610-282-1100, x1436
217 Dooling Hall
Leah Alicea
Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services
Auxiliary Services
610-282-1100, x1427
University Center
Jennifer Alles
Strategic Partnership Manager
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1004
247 Gambet Center
Abelinda Amaya
Resident Hall Director
Residence Life/Housing
610-282-1100, x1442
142F Dorothy Day
Cayla Andrews
Field Hockey Coach
610-282-1100, x1818
Billera Hall
Anne Angeles
Assistant Professor
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x2157
217 Gambet Center
Eric Asaris
Access Services Coordinator
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1266
Trexler Library
Andy Auguste
Director of Residence Life
Residence Life/Housing
610-282-1100, x1411
124 Dorothy Day
Margaret Ayala, MFA
Assistant Professor, Director of First Year Writing
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x2790
252 Dooling Hall
Wendy Badman
Director of Veterans and Military Services, VA School Certifying Official
Office of Veterans and Military Services
610-282-1100, x2075
215 Dooling Hall
Austen Barnett, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2549
132 Hurd Science Center
Bradley C. Barnhorst, CFA
Associate Professor, Chair of Finance Major and CFP Program Director
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1624
212 Gambet Center
Leslie Bartolomew
Director of Admissions: Adult and Graduate Studies
Graduate Programs, Admissions, Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x1859
144 Dooling Hall
Melissa Bartholomew, MSN, BSW, RN, AGPCNP-BC
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2555
225 Gambet Center
Zoe Bartolacci
Assistant Director of Healthcare Simulation
Healthcare Simulation Center, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1744
126 Gambet Center
Cameron Bassett
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2144
210 Wills Hall
Christopher Bauer, MSN, BSN, RN, AGACNP-BC
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1874
132 Gambet Center
Laura M. Baylor, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Director of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program; Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2837
235 Gambet Center
Dia Beachboard, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2111
129 Hurd Science Center
Lucas Beal
Slate Administrator
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1478
11-A4 Dooling Hall
Michael S. Beardsley, Ph.D., ATC
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1829
125C Dooling Hall
Jessica Bedford
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1629
125 Labuda Center
Connie Behringer
PSF Associate Producer
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x2329
Jacquier Center
Jamillia Bell
Graduate Assistant: Community Service and Advocacy
Student/Community Programs (CSSJ)
610-282-1100, x1977
118 Dorothy Day
John Bell
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1480
127 Labuda Center
Michelle Benner
Senior Clinical Liaison for Graduate Nursing
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x1749
203 Gambet Center
Paul Benner
Director of IT Infrastructure
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1231
11-A4 Dooling Hall
Rodger Berg, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1220
223 Hurd Science Center
Vincent Berkes
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1842/1250
Lawless Center
Tricia Bernecker, Ph.D., RN
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1846
Amy Best
Chair, Theatre Department; Associate Professor, Resident Costume Designer
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1290
Labuda Center
Nadia L. Bhuiyan
Learning Support Specialist
Office of Student Accessibility
610-282-1100, x1759
21 Dooling Hall
Katrin L. Blamey, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of the School of Education
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Education
610-282-1100, x1455
120B Dooling
Robert Blumenstein, Ph.D.
Associate Provost of Transition; Professor
Academic Affairs Office, College of Sciences, Office of the Provost
610-282-1100, x1237
123 Brisson Hall
Michelle Bolger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Director, Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MCJ) Program
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2825
206 Brisson Hall
Amy Bolger-Santucci
Web Designer
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1764
229 Brisson Hall
Colleen Bolks, MSN, RN, CNS, CEN
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1747
139 Gambet Center
Jim Booros
Head Golf Coach
610-282-1100, x1626
104D Billera Hall
Amy Bower
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Human Resources
610-282-1100, x1660
101 Tucker House
Matt Brancaccio
Head Men's Lacrosse Coach
610-282-1100, x1634
107 Billera Hall
Traci Brasse, MA
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1721
11A-4 Dooling Hall
Martin J. Brett, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Chair of Sport Management Major
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1832
Justin Bronstein
Instructional Applications Specialist
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
610-282-1100, x1517
111 Brisson Hall
Anthony Brooks
Residence Hall Advisor
Residence Life/Housing
610-282-1100, x1442
142F Dorothy Day
Lauren E. Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
Melissa Brown, MSPAS, PA-C
Director of Didactic Education, Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2754
108 Gambet Center
Samantha Broxterman
Head Coach: Women's Lacrosse
610-282-1100, x1952
111 Billera Hall
Chad Bruckner
Police Officer (Night shift)
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2707
Lawless Center
Rosemaureen Bulger
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1377
242M Gambet Center
Jennifer Bunting
Associate Dean of Students for Campus Life and Student Conduct
Student Life, Office of Student Conduct
610-282-1100, x1886
125 Dorothy Day
Fr. Douglas Burns, OSFS
Assistant Professor; Sport and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Coordinator
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1295
40-1 Dooling Hall
Madeleine Burns
Development Associate
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1578
Jacquier Center
Matthew Burrows
Instructional Technology Specialist
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
610-282-1100, x2337
103 Brisson Hall
Brynn Buskirk
Senior Director of Marketing
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1403
221 Brisson Hall
Rebecca Callan
Costume Shop Manager
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1460
111 Labuda Center
María Cristina Campos Fuentes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1372
269 Dooling Hall
Jonathan Cannon
Sound Supervisor and Designer
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x2176
122 Labuda Center
Gerard Caprio
Adjunct Professor
College of Sciences
Stephen J. Carp, MSPT, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2147
212 Wills Hall
Joanne Carr
Director of Housing and Meal Plans
Residence Life/Housing, Student Life, Campus Life
610-282-1100, x1425
101 Dorothy Day
Michael Caselli
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2710
Lawless Center
Sedat Cevikparmak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor; Chair of Supply Chain Management Major
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1854
216 Gambet Center
JP Chaves
Videographer / Producer
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1821
230 Brisson Hall
Bruce Chickey
Catering Director
Auxiliary Services, Dining/Catering
610-282-1100, x1703
University Center
Kristen Christman
Project Manager
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x2160
224 Brisson Hall
David Ciliberti
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1787
Lawless Center
Jeffrey E. Clutter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1879
203 Brisson Hall
Christopher R. Cocozza, C.P.A., J.D, LL.M.
Dean of the Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1446
242N Gambet Center
Joseph Colosi, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1288
130 Hurd Science Center
Joseph Conklin
Graduate Assistant: Men's Lacrosse
610-282-1100, x2407
119 Billera Hall
Jennifer Conner
Dispatcher (Middle Shift)
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2709
Lawless Center
Maura Conroy
HR Coordinator
Human Resources
610-282-1100, x1875
103 Tucker House
Melina Couzis
Head Coach: Women's Soccer
610-282-1100, x1605
104C Billera Hall
Scott Coval
Director of Athletics/Men's Basketball Coach
610-282-1100, x1351
101B Billera Hall
Heather Craft
Administrative Assistant to Dean of the College of Arts, Education and Humanities
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1317
176 Dooling Hall
Rebecca Craft
Creative Manager
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x2076
223 Brisson Hall
Thomas D. Craig, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Edward A. McCabe Chair of Business and Society; Chair of International Business major
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x2828
242C Gambet Center
George Crampton
Men's Soccer Coach/Lecturer
610-282-1100, x1635
157B Billera Hall
Amy Crivellaro
Administrative Associate for the Provost’s Office
Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1312
126 Brisson Hall
Patrick Crerand, Ph.D.
Director of MFA Program, Associate Professor of English
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1688
255 Dooling Hall
Suzanne M. Cressman MSPAS, PA-C
Director of DeSales Free Clinic, Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
101 Gambet Center
Steve Crossgrove
Retail Manager
610-282-1100, x1770
University Center
John Cunningham
Trades Supervisor
Facilities Services
610-282-1100, x1684
Isenring Center
Martin Cusack
IT Customer Service Manager
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1472
13 Dooling Hall
Natalie Cyphers, Ph.D., RN, CPN, FCN
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x1397
132 Gambet Center
Joanna (Maria) Dalmasso
Marketing and Brand Manager for PSF
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1890
Jacquier Center
Benjamin De Bari
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1982
209 Brisson Hall
Bill Debuono, MS
Administrative Coordinator
Chestnut Hill
610-282-1100, x1490
219 Dooling Hall
Eugene M. Decker, DO
Medical Director
610-282-1100, x1581
103 Gambet Center
Josalyn DeGironimo
Clinical Liaison for Graduate Nursing
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2858
230 Gambet Center
Steven Dennis
Professor Emeritus
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Kathleen Depew
Adjunct Professor
College of Sciences
Kathy Diamandopoulos
Director of Corporate and Foundations Relations
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1308
112 Chappuis
Megan Diehl
Director of Advancement Communications and Donor Relations
Institutional Advancement, PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1694
107 Chappuis
Lisa Dietz
Instruction and Assessment Librarian
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1443
Trexler Library
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1712
136 Gambet Center
Kayleigh Dillman
Environmental Health and Safety Assistant
Occupational Safety and Health
610-282-1100, x1779
Lawless Center
Evelyn Disla-Hernandez
Associate Director of Financial Aid for Compliance and Reconciliation
Financial Aid, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1710
160 Dooling Hall
Kathryn Donnelly
Adjunct Lecturer, Kinesiology
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
Paige Dormann
Internal Communications Writer
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x2271
233 Brisson Hall
Aisling Doyle
Lab Manager: Biology
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1550
135 Hurd Science Center
Mary Elizabeth Doyle-Tadduni, Ph.D., MBA, RN
Associate Dean, School of Nursing, Associate Professor of Nursing; School of Nursing
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100 , x1285
Michael Ducey, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Sciences
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1840
216A Brisson Hall
Tammi Eccleston
Academic Affairs Specialist
Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x2118
121 Brisson Hall
Michael Echevarria
IT Technical Support
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2217
11-A2 Dooling Hall
Kathleen Ehrhardt, MMS, PA-C, DFAAPA
Program Director, Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1483
147J Gambet Center
Louisa Eismann
Assistant Director of Effectiveness and Research
Institutional Research and Analysis, Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1433
115 Brisson Hall
Carrie Ellis, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Assistant Professor, Chair of Sport and Exercise Physiology Department
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1353
125B Dooling Hall
Andrew M. Essig, Ph.D
Professor, Chair of Behavioral and Social Sciences Department, Chair of Political Science Program
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1632
201 Brisson Hall
Erin Fackenthal
Student Life, Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
610-282-1100, x1553
130 Dorothy Day
Mary Ann Falk
Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator for MBA
610-282-1100, x2569
223 Gambet Center
Christine Farace
Office Assistant
Registrar's Office
610-282-1100, x1416
157 Dooling Hall
Joyce Farmer
Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1208
164 Dooling Hall
Richard Farris
Head Coach: Men's and Women's Tennis
610-282-1100, x1951
106 Billera Hall
Fran Fasching, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1742
226 Gambet Center
Jessica Faurl
PA Program Assistant
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2766
147I Gambet Center
Susan M. Featro, LPC, Ed.D.
Program Director: Chestnut Hill College
Chestnut Hill
610-282-1100, x1484
219 Dooling Hall
Elisabeth Felten, CPA, CGMA
Associate Professor
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1379
208 Gambet Center
Cindy Fenstermacher
Director of Clinical Placement/Clinical Liaison for Undergraduate Nursing Program
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1577
135 Gambet Center
Deanne Fenstermacher
Director of Finance
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1305
247 Dooling Hall
Julia Ferraro
Director of Enrollment Management, Physician Assistant Program
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1768
111 Gambet Center
Tammy Feverston
Executive Assistant to the President
President's Office
610-282-1100, x1860
120 Chappuis Hall
Jacqueline Figueroa
Desktop Support Specialist
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1362
13 Dooling Hall
Stacy Finney
Director of Academic Success Center
Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x1851
24 Dooling Hall
Jill Fitzgerald
Conservatory of Dance Director, Adjunct Instructor of Tap
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
Heidi Fleming
Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator
Occupational Safety and Health
610-282-1100, x1513
Lawless Center
Rachel Frame
Bookstore Market Leader
Campus Bookstore
610-282-1100, x1325
University Center
John Francisco
Executive Chef
610-282-1100, x1410
University Center
Kristian Francisco
IT Network Administrator
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1291
14A Dooling Hall
Christa Frederick
Assistant Director of Career Development
Career Development Center
610-282-1100, x1367
121D Dooling Hall
Stephen Furry
TV/Film Virtual Production Supervisor/Theatre Master Electrician
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1850
124 Labuda Center
Casey William Gallagher
Managing Director
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1606
Jacquier Center
Michael J. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Chair of Accounting Major
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1838
211 Gambet Center
Samantha Gambler, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2753
240 Gambet Center
Claritza Garabitos
Assistant Director of Admissions for Multicultural Recruitment
610-282-1100, x1269
141 Dooling Hall
Joseph Gellis
Senior Locksmith
Facilities Services
610-282-1100, x1774
Carpentry Office, Isenring Center
Jamie Gerhart
Executive Director for Community Service and Advocacy and the Center for Faith and Justice / Multicultural Life
Student/Community Programs (CSSJ), The Center for Faith and Justice
610-282-1100, x1889
119A Dorothy Day
Mark German
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1788
Lawless Center
Mary Lou Gies, Ed.D., RN
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1318
135 Gambet Center
Melissa Gilroy, DC, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2752
Matthew Ginty
Assistant Director of Admissions for Adult Studies
610-282-1100, x1881
141 Dooling Hall
Susan Givens-Skeaton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor; Chair of Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Management and Management of Information Technology Majors
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1841
222 Gambet Center
Chuck B. Gloman
Chair, TV/Film Department; Director Summer Video Institute (SVI)
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1683
105 Labuda Center
Xavier Gordon
Graduate Assistant: Student Engagement and Leadership
Student Engagement and Leadership Office
610-282-1100, x1706
171 Dorothy Day
Lisa Gottlieb
Adjunct Instructor of Jazz Dance
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
Lara K. Goudsouzian, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2776
133 Hurd Science Center
Carrie Gradin
Director of Annual Giving
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x2556
Brendan Graham
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations
Alumni Relations, Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x2836
109 Chappuis Hall
Margie Grandinetti
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Human Resources
610-282-1100, x1485
104 Tucker House
Katherine Grasso, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x2789
253 Dooling Hall
Conner Green
Classroom Support Technician
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2860
153A Gambet Center
Rev. James J. Greenfield, OSFS
President's Office
610-282-1100, x1860
Chappuis Hall
Sean F. Griech, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, COMT
Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2784
209 Wills Hall
Stephen Griffin
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach and Coordinator of Athletic Recruiting
610-282-1100, x1715
168 Billera Hall
Angela Sigley Grossman, MFA
Associate Professor of Dance
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1719
108 Labuda Center
Andrea Guarino
Associate Director of Student Engagement and Leadership
Student Engagement and Leadership Office, Student Life
610-282-1100, x1417
173 Dorothy Day
Pranshu Gupta, Ph.D.
Program Director, Graduate Computer Science Programs; Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2854
222-A Dooling Hall
Eric Hagan Ed.D.
Director of Center for Teaching Excellence; Interim Director of Education Leadership
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1689
McFadden Room, Trexler Library
Christopher Hall, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1324
112 Gambet Center
Tracy Hallman
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs Office, Office of the Provost
610-282-1100, x1229
120 Brisson Hall
Carl Hammarsten, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1278
222E Dooling Hall
Nichole L. Hartman, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2275
131 Gambet Center
Patricia Hartman
Chemistry Laboratory Manager
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1622
224 Hurd Science Center
Eric T. Haugen
Head of Design; Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1704
123 Labuda Center
Sara E.N. Hayik, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1365
220 Hurd Science Center
Alan Heckman, DMSc, PA-C
Chair of Medical Studies Major, Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1476
113 Gambet Center
Tina Hennessey
Digital Systems and Research Analyst
Alumni Relations, Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1359
103 Chappuis Hall
Tara Henninger
Data Manager and Data Analyst
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2150
204 Wills Hall
Gregory Hernandez
Systems Programmer — Senior
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1633
11-A1 Dooling Hall
Jamie Hickey
Graduate Assistant - Men's Soccer
610-282-1100, x2406
157 Billera Hall
Chelsea Hill
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1546
244 Dooling Hall
Janelle Hill
Director of Media Relations
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1600
225 Brisson Hall
Julie Himmelberger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Pre-Health Professions Advisor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1263
222 Hurd Science Center
Wendy Hinton
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1857
111 Chappuis Hall
Mitch Hivner
Director of Athletic Performance / Fitness Center
610-282-1100, x1617
Compardo Fitness Center, Billera Hall
Bill Hoblin
Director of Development for PSF
PA Shakespeare Festival, Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1773
Jacquier Center
Tahereh Alavi Hojjat, Ph.D.
Professor; Chair of Economics Major
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1254
215 Gambet Center
Jim Holton
Director: Center for Educational Resources and Technology
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
610-282-1100, x2819
107 Brisson Hall
Wendi A. Hontz, MPH, MSPAS, PA-C
Director of Clinical Education, Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2151
107 Gambet Center
Ethan Hood, PT, DPT, MBA, NCS, GCS
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2140
214 Wills Hall
Gordon Hornig
Women's Cross Country/Track Coach/Lecturer
610-282-1100, x1383
109 Billera Hall
Veronica Horvath
Slate Administrator
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2211
11-A2 Dooling Hall
Annmarie Houck, MS
Assistant Professor; Chair, Department of Mathematics/Computer Science
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1336
222-D Dooling Hall
Jennifer Howanitz, PT, DPT, GCS
Assistant Professor; Director of Clinical Education
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2857
207 Wills Hall
Rodney Howsare, Ph.D.
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1389
238 Dooling Hall
Margaret Huber
Mailroom Supervisor
610-282-1100, x1441
Dorothy Day
Wendy Hughes
Financial Aid Counselor
Financial Aid, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1753
159A Dooling Hall
Alex Van Huynh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2097
103 Campbell Hall
Patricia Idoko, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1681
237 Dooling Hall
Kyleigh Ivory, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Patrick Jacoby
Assistant Sports Information Director
610-282-1100, x1728
115 Billera Hall
Richard Jacoby
General Manager of Dining Services
610-282-1100, x1321
University Center
Leana Janukowicz, RN, MSN, PMHCNS-BC
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x1607
133 Gambet Center
Isiah Jennings
Admissions Counselor
Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1866
140 Dooling Hall
Charles G. Jobs, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1217
218 Gambet Center
Jason Jones
Artistic Director of PSF
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1648
Jacquier Center
Jessica Jones
Admissions Department Secretary
610-282-1100, x1277
Front Desk Admissions, Dooling Hall
Josiane Jones
Interim Act 1 Production General Manager, Head of Stage Management
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1598
102 Labuda Center
Boyce Jubilan, DVM, MPhil, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Chair, Psychology Program
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1375
212 Brisson Hall
E'lise Jumes, MFA
Assistant Professor
610-282-1100, x2085
118 Labuda Center
Dr. Leo-Felix Jurado
Dean of the College of Healthcare Professions
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1856
119 Brisson Center
Wendy Kalamar
Associate Dean of Students Retention and Wellness
Student Life, Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
610-282-1100, x1462
132 Dorothy Day
Fr. Shaju Kanjiramparayil OSFS, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2925
108 Brisson Hall
Lori Kapes
Administrative Assistant
610-282-1100, x1486
131 Dooling Hall
Christos Karagiannopoulos, MPT, Ph.D., ATC, CHT
Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2142
208 Wills Hall
Stephen Kareha, PT, DPT, ATC, PhD, CMP, CSCS
Clinical Associate
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1898
216 Wills Hall
Kimberly Karpinski
Director of Data Management and Analysis for Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x2162
230 Brisson Hall
Jessica Katzenberger
Associate Director of Admissions
610-282-1100, x1685
139 Dooling Hall
Danielle Kearns-Sixsmith, M.S., M.S., Ed.D.
Chair/Director of Teacher Education
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1686
120A Dooling
Paul Keen
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2708
Lawless Center
Cayleigh Keller
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1250/1842
Lawless Center
Susana L. Keller, CScD, CCC-SLP
Chair of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Program Director of Speech-Language Pathology; Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2163
105 Wills Hall
Jaclyn Kelly
Staff Accountant
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1743
236 Dooling Hall
Cindy Kemmerer
PSF Business Manager
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1656
Jacquier Center
Polly Kemmerer
Accounts Payable (Bookkeeper)
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1311
245 Dooling Hall
Karen Kent, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Chair of Healthcare Administration Major; Director of the MBA Program
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x2827
242D Gambet Center
Gregory Kerr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1230
242 Dooling Hall
Melissa Kerr
Grants Manager
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x2977
Maureen Keyte
Director of Student Life Community Relations and Special Projects
Student Life
610-282-1100, x1261
120 Dorothy Day
Sara Hulse Kirby
Department Chair of Philosophy and Theology; Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1809
239 Dooling Hall
Hollie Knauss
Director of Student Billing, Bursar
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1888
240 Dooling Hall
Gabrielle Knipe, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1344
109 Gambet Center
Tyler Koch
Assistant Director of Conference Services
Auxiliary Services
610-282-1100, x1930
University Center
Wendy Koenig
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the College of Sciences
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1461
216 Brisson Hall
Victoria Kopishke
Program Administrator
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1247
102 Labuda Center
Alexander J. Krupka, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2843
104 Campbell Hall
Leala Kuchera
Academic Advisor
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x1003
142 Dooling Hall
Kimberly Kuhlman
Learning Support Specialist
Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x2247
27 Dooling Hall
Erica Kurpiewski
Financial Aid Specialist
Financial Aid
610-282-1100, x1449
159A Dooling Hall
Laura Lamm, CCC-SLP
External Placement Coordinator, Clinical Instructor
College of Healthcare Professions
Daniel Lannen
University Chaplain
Campus Ministry, The Center for Faith and Justice
610-282-1100, x1393
117 Dorothy Day
Joseph Leese, Ph.D.
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1691
105 Campbell Hall
Sharon Leferovich
Secretary of the Mathematics/Computer Science Department and Graduate Computer Science Programs
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1339
222 Dooling Hall
Alex Lenhart
Classroom Support Technician
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2788
258 Dooling Hall
Jack Lerch
TV/Film Technical Specialist
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1756
13 Brisson Hall
Sue Lettera, MSW
Coordinator of MSW Program
18 Dooling Hall
Matthew Lewandowski
Director of Production
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1696
Jacquier Center
Anne Lewis
Associate Professor
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1215
131 Labuda Center
Lisa Lightcap
HR Generalist
Human Resources
610-282-1100, x1369
203 Tucker House
C.L Lindsay
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX
610-282-1100, x2131
Lawless Center
Tammy M. Lippincott
Director of Health Center
Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center, Student Life
610-282-1100, x1221
131 Dorothy Day
Jordan Loeb
Director of Admissions
Admissions, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1206
146 Dooling Hall
Ann Marie Loiseau, DNP, MS, RN, CSN, CCM
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1368
227 Gambet Center
Sandra Lopez
Props Designer / Assistant Scenic Charge
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1912
116 Labuda Center
Amy Lowry
Associate Director of Admissions
Admissions, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1575
131 Dooling Hall
Hope Lowry
Resident Hall Director
Residence Life/Housing
610-282-1100, x1442
142F Dorothy Day
Nicholas Luchko
Associate Dean of Students for Engagement and Leadership
Student Engagement and Leadership Office, Character U/DeSales Experience, Student Life
610-282-1100, x1843
172 Dorothy Day
Amy Lutte, MBA
Non-Majors Biology Instructor
College of Sciences
John Lynskey
Graduate Writing Support Specialist
Academic Success Center, Writing Center
610-282-1100, x1356
58 Dooling Hall, Trexler Library Writing Center
Brian MacDonald
Director of International Learning
International Learning
610-282-1100, x1510
Dorothy Day
Robert Madigan
User Support Analyst
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1420
14 Dooling Hall
Kay Malek, PT, Ph.D.
Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program; Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1839
206 Wills Hall
Jordan Manini
Associate Director of Adult and Graduate Studies
Graduate Programs, Admissions, Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x2838
236 Gambet Center
Teresa Manion
Program Assistant: Division of Nursing
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x1509
147B Gambet Center
Andrew Mannion
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1209
137 Labuda Center
Steven Manry Jr.
Desktop Support Specialist
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1210
13 Dooling Hall
Thomas Mantoni
Academic Affairs Office, Registrar's Office
610.282.1100, x1223
157 Dooling Hall
Rochelle Marcks
Assistant Director of Health Center
Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
610-282-1100, x1232
129 Dorothy Day
Gregory Marino
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1784
Lawless Center
Barbara Markwalter
Assistant Director of MBA
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1448
242L Gambet Center
Estefania Martinez
Graduate Assistant - Volleyball
610-282-1100, x2413
157 Billera Hall
Patricia Maskiell
Program Administrator for M.Ed.
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1465
120 Dooling Hall
Theodore Masthay, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1847
202 Brisson Hall
Jennifer Matlack
Graduate Academic Advisor
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100 x1871
120G Dooling Hall
R. Scott Mattingly, Ed.D.
Associate Dean of Academic Life/Assistant Professor of Education
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1408
176 Dooling Hall
Brian Mauro
Director of Auxiliary Service
Auxiliary Services
610-282-1100, x1782
University Center
Wendy Maybruck
Lab Manager: Biology
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2126
102 Campbell Hall
Daniel Mayo
Adjunct Instructor of Ballet
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Julia Mayo
Chair, Dance Department; Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1243
104 Labuda Center
Francis C. Mayville, Ph.D.
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1382
221 Hurd Science Center
Avery McCall
Assistant Director of Healthcare Simulation Center
Healthcare Simulation Center
610-282-1100, x1705
126 Gambet Center
Teresa McCarthy-Wright
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1266
Trexler Library
Allison McCausland
Coordinator of Tutoring
Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x2072
61 Dooling Hall
Dawn McCausland
Enrollment Communication Coordinator
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS), Enrollment Management, Data Management and Analysis
610-282-1100, x1667
142 Dooling Hall
Brian McDermott
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1732
133 Labuda Center
Mary McDermott
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1615
B-3 Brisson Hall
Celia McEnroe
Course Material Market Manager
Campus Bookstore
610-282-1100, x1235
University Center
Shawn McFadden
Mailroom Assistant
610-282-1100, x1666
Mailroom, Dorothy Day
Sue Y. McGorry, Ph.D.
Provost Fellow for Assessment; Professor of Business; Office of the Provost, School of Business, Academic Affairs Office
Office of the Provost, Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business, Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1329
122 Brisson Hall
Brianna McGraw
Associate Director of Admissions
Enrollment Management, Admissions
610-282-1100, x1767
137 Dooling Hall
Erin McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1845
178 Dooling Hall
Tom McNamara
Executive Director of Communications
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1219
231 Brisson Hall
Taylor McNeill
Laboratory Technician
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2024
127 Gambet Center
Christina McQuade
Residence Hall Advisor
Residence Life/Housing
610-282-1100, x1442
142F Dorothy Day
Kayla McTamney
Graduate Assistant - Softball
610-282-1100, x2408
114 Billera Hall
Yaisa Medina
Assistant Director of Adult and Graduate Studies
Graduate Programs, Admissions, Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x2017
142 Dooling Hall
Jose Menendez
Housekeeping and Custodial Supervisor
Housekeeping and Custodial Services
610-282-1100, x1414
Isenring Center
Carol Gullo Mest, Ph.D., RN, ANP-BC, FAANP
Chair of Graduate Nursing Programs; Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1394
147E Gambet Center
Connor Metzger
Assistant Catering Director
610-282-1100, x1807
University Center
Suzanne Migliore, PT, DPT, MS
Assistant Professor, Board Certified Pediatric Clinical Specialist
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2145
215 Wills Hall
Donna Mikol
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Human Resources
610-282-1100, x1508
202 Tucker House
Denise Mikuta
Assistant Director of Counseling
Student Life, Wellness Center/Health Center/Counseling Center
610-282-1100, x1551
134 Dorothy Day
John Miller
Water and Sewer Superintendent
Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x1251
Buckley Center
Sarah Miller
Sustainability Coordinator
Facilities Services
610-282-1100, x2270
Buckley Center
Susan Mills
Financial Aid Counselor
Financial Aid
610-282-1100, x2767
163 Dooling Hall
Milan Misko
Adjunct Instructor of Ballet
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Jim Molchany
Director of Facilities
Campus Environment, Facilities Services, Admin and Support Offices
610-282-1100, x1644
Buckley Center
Sheyla Montanez Gonzalez
Graduate Assistant: Multicultural Engagement
Student/Community Programs (CSSJ)
610-282-1100, x1360
118 Dorothy Day
Jennifer Moore, JD
Professor; Chair of Criminal Justice Major
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1649
204 Brisson Hall
Jodie Morgan
Department Secretary
610-282-1100, x1204
101 Billera Hall
Bobbie Morici, DMSc, PA-C, MBA
Assistant Program Director; Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1608
147J Gambet Center
Shalynda Morton
Assistant Director of Multicultural Life
The Center for Faith and Justice
610-282-1100, x1599
117 Dorothy Day
Nicole Moyer
Coordinator of Social Media for Performing Arts
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x2182
Rebecca Moyer
Adjunct Instructor of Modern Dance
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
Michele Mrazik Grasso
Assistant Director of Trexler Library
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1612
Trexler Library
Susan Mroz
Student Account Billing and Collections Coordinator
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1376
246 Dooling Hall
Ryan Mullaney, DMA
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x2116
112B Brisson Hall
Sylvia Muller Doyle
Director of Special Events
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1307
110 Chappuis Hall
Stephen Myers, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of MFA; Adjunct Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1387
263 Dooling Hall
Rev. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, Ph.D.
Chief of Staff, Vice President for Mission, Assistant Professor of Education
School of Education, President's Cabinet, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1580
118 Chappuis Hall
Debbie Naso
Administrative Secretary VP Admin and Finance
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1225
243 Dooling Hall
Mary Kate Nealis
Assistant Registrar
Registrar's Office
610-282-1100, x1354
157 Dooling Hall
Timothy Neiman
Baseball Coach/Facility Manager
610-282-1100, x1384
117 Billera Hall
Noah Nichols
Admissions Counselor
610-282-1100, x1396
131 Dooling Hall
Joanne Niemkiewicz, Ph. D., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2174
220 Wills Hall
Richard Noll, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1268
214 Brisson Hall
Ronald Nordone
Associate Provost for Academic Programs; Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS), Academic Affairs Office
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS), Graduate Programs, Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1289
128 Brisson Hall
Sarah Nytroe, Ph.D.
Professor of History; Provost Fellow for Retention and Student Success
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1303
265 Dooling Hall
Rachel O’Hagan, CCC-SLP
Clinic Coordinator, Clinical Instructor
College of Healthcare Professions
David Oblas
Director of Web Strategy
Marketing and Communications, Web Communications
610-282-1100, x2068
232 Brisson Hall
Tanya O'Brien
Assistant Bursar
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1343
246 Dooling Hall
Jacqueline Ochsenreither, DNP, RN, CRNP, PPCNP-BC
Director—Doctor of Nursing Practice Program; Associate Professor
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2779
233 Gambet Center
Kevin Oleksy
Technical Director/Scene Shop Manager
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1242
116 Labuda Center
K. O'Rourke
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x2276
121 Labuda Center
Juilene Osborne-McKnight, MFA
Professor Emeritas
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1661
253 Dooling Hall
Sharon Osterhout
Systems Programmer — Senior Colleague
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1286
11-A1 Dooling Hall
John G. Pappas
Adjunct Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1637
270 Dooling Hall
Leandro Pares
Graduate Assistant: Sports Information
115 Billera Hall
Scott Parkinson
Technical Services Librarian
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1257
Trexler Library
Brynnlee Pavlovich
Assistant Director of Experiential Learning
Career Development Center
610-282-1100, x1792
121D Dooling Hall
Gracia Perilli
Associate Director of Athletics
Title IX, Athletics
610-282-1100, x1218
101A Billera Hall
Beth Peters
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1463
207 Brisson Hall
Christiana Pheiffer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1665
120F Dooling Hall
Ashley Phillips
Clinical Coordinator
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1489
110 Gambet Center
Stephen Pierno
Assistant Chief of Police
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2272
Lawless Center
Eric Pierson
Box Office Manager
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1820
101 Labuda Center
Ashley Pinkowski
Office Coordinator
Registrar's Office
610-282-1100, x1652
157 Dooling Hall
Lisa Plummer Ed.D.
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Institutional Research and Analysis
610-282-1100, x1259
117 Brisson Hall
Mary Pollard
Nursing Clinical Coordinator
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2772
230 Gambet Center
Sophia Popp
Graduate Assistant: Field Hockey
610-282-1100, x2416
119 Billera Hall
Brennan Pursell, MBA, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Data Analytics and Applied AI; Professor
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1226
242P Gambet Center
Kenneth Quick
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1707
208 Brisson Hall
Robert Quinn
Adjunct Professor
College of Sciences
Katherine Ramsland, M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D.
Inaugural Director for the Center for Teaching Excellence, Professor Emerita
Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1445
McFadden Room, Trexler Library
Judith Rance-Roney, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1323
251 Dooling Hall
Polly Ranson
Director of Advancement Services
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1388
105 Chappuis Hall
Heather Raudenbush
Program Administrator for Nursing
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2234
147G Gambet Center
Peter Rautzhan
Vice President of Administration; Office for Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator
Admin and Support Offices
610-282-1100, x1332
Lawless Center
Catherine Reardon
Enrollment Communication Coordinator
Data Management and Analysis, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1424
152 Dooling Hall
Melissa Reilly
Gateway to Success Coordinator
Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x1392
25 Dooling Hall
Brian Reimers
Instructional Designer
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
610-282-1100, x1567
109 Brisson Hall
Sarah Rennalls
Adjunct Faculty Coordinator; Instructor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1790
139 Gambet Center
Matthew Reppert, DC
Structure and Function Lab Instructor
College of Sciences
Fred Richter
Director of Student Athlete Services/Women's Basketball Coach
610-282-1100, x1609
167 Billera Hall
Jeffrey Richter
Director of Campus Environment
Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x1432
Buckley Center
Rebecca Righi
Director of Recruitment for Performing Arts
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities, School of Performing Arts
610-282-1100, x1949
228 Brisson Hall
Ryan Rightley
Program Assistant
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1466
205 Brisson Hall
Michael Ritchie
Senior Major Gift Officer
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1406
101 Chappuis Hall
Philip Ritchie
Graduate Assistant: Tennis
610-282-1100, x1953
119 Billera Hall
Elizabeth Roberts
Coordinator for Student Engagement and Leadership
Student Engagement and Leadership Office, Student Life
610-282-1100, x1207
174 Dorothy Day
Alyssa Robertson, MSN, RN, CEN, CNE
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
Brett Ashley Robinson
Adjunct Faculty
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Greg Rogers
Assistant Director of the Writing Center
Writing Center, Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x2096
Writing Center Office, Trexler Library
Elizabeth Rosa, CPA
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1371
209 Gambet Center
Muriel Rosario
Marketing Analyst
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x2177
227 Brisson Hall
Jody Rosensteel
IT Technical Support
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2215
Mark Rosensteel
IT Technical Support
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x2213
Maria Rufe
Student Account Billing and Collections Coordinator
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1246
246 Dooling Hall
Karen Ruggles, M.S., M.F.A.
Associate Professor; Varsity Esports Program Director
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1806
222-B Dooling Hall
Kathleen Ryan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1333
222-C Dooling Hall
Lauren Saa
Graduate Assistant: Women's Basketball
610-282-1100, x2405
167 Billera Hall
Kendra Salem, MSPAS
College of Sciences
Mark Salgado
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1514
Lawless Center
Mark Salgado Jr.
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1250
Lawless Center
Michelle Santanasto
Staff Accountant
Treasurer's Office
610-282-1100, x1256
235 Dooling Hall
Julie Santoro, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Director of Clinical Education, Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2287
220 Wills Hall
Jacob Scharff
Campus Store Leader
Campus Bookstore
610-282-1100, x1431
University Center
Candice Schnurr
Adjunct Instructor of Modern Dance
Delma Schrampf
Academic Affairs Office Assistant
Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1430
126 Brisson Hall
Joshua Schulz, Ph.D., HEC-C
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1591
271 Dooling Hall
Jessica Schwartz, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2149
252 Gambet Center
Laura Schwendeman, MSPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1479
246 Gambet Center
Amy K. S. Scott, Ph.D.
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1894
213 Gambet Center
Kelly Scott
Associate Director of Marketing
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x2186
220 Brisson Hall
Brian Sebring
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1842/1250
Lawless Center
Nancy Seier
Executive Assistant to the VP of Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1364
Chappuis Hall
Reed Senter, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2169
218 Wills Hall
Colleen Serrano
Admissions Counselor
610-282-1100, x1270
131 Dooling Hall
Patrick Sherlock, DNP, APRN, AGACNP-BC
Director of the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program; Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
Evan Shimkanon
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2070
222I Dooling Hall
Denise Shive
Project Manager
Facilities Services, Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x1240
Buckley Center
Michelle Y. Shortell, MS, ABC-CC
Adjunct Professor
College of Sciences
Carrie Siegel
Nursing Program Associate
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1664
147F Gambet Center
Mark Siegfried
Telecommunications Lead and Network Infrastructure
610-282-1100, x1831
37 Dooling Hall
Angelica Silva, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1238
273 Dooling Hall
Barry Silver, MD
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2146
Naree Simmons
Associate Director of Financial Aid for Counseling and Customer Service
Financial Aid
610-282-1100, x1687
159 Dooling Hall
Morgan Simpson
Admissions Counselor
610-282-1100, x1347
145 Dooling Hall
David Sinko
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2713
Lawless Center
Tina Slak
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x1601
Jacquier Center
Eugene Slaski
610-282-1100, x2820
13 Dooling Hall
Joshua Slee, Ph.D.
Provost Fellow for Faculty; Chair Dept of Biology; Associate Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1891
131 Hurd Science Center
Sam Smith
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2706
Lawless Center
William Smith
College of Sciences
Jacqueline Snyder
Department Secretary
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2780
147L Gambet Center
Kristin Solimani
Director of PMHNP Program; Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
Stephen Sommers
Assistant to the Director of Data Management and Analysis for Enrollment Management
Data Management and Analysis, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1260
152 Dooling Hall
B.J. Spigelmyer
Sports Information Director
610-282-1100, x1228
115 Billera Hall
Emily Stackhouse
Access Services Assistant
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1361
Trexler Library
Katherine Stackhouse DNP, RN, FNP-C, ACHPN
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1318
135 Gambet Center
Maurice Stallings
Office of Student Accessibility Coordinator
Office of Student Accessibility
610-282-1100, x2947
19 Dooling Hall
Carolyn Steigleman
Vice President of Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications, President's Cabinet
610-282-1100, x2167
226 Brisson Hall
Rebecca Stein
Director of Healthcare Simulation Center
Healthcare Simulation Center
610-282-1100, x2763
127 Gambet Center
Laurie Stoudt
Director of Admissions Operations
Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1532
152 Dooling Hall
Heather Supplee
Applications Programmer – Security Specialist
Administration and Finance
610-282-1100, x1309
11-A1 Dooling Hall
Steven J. Sweeney, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics; Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x2777
210A Hurd Science Center
Michael Sweetana
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Treasurer's Office, Administration and Finance
610-282-1100, x1582
248 Dooling Hall
Jennifer Sweterlitsch
Assistant Director of Adult and Graduate Studies and Veterans
Admissions, Graduate Programs, Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x2065
142 Dooling Hall
Elizabeth Anne Swigart
Access Control Assistant
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2278
Lawless Center
Mahdi Tahamtan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2170
219 Wills Hall
Wendy Thomas
Program Assistant of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1898
204 Wills Hall
Carolyn Tiger
Director of Student Accessibility
Office of Student Accessibility
610-282-1100, x1453
20 Dooling Hall
Jonathan Titus
Laboratory Technician—Simulation Center
Healthcare Simulation Center
610-282-1100, x2024
127 Gambet Center
Hicham Tohme, Ph.D.
Director of First Year Experience
Academic Affairs Office
610-282-1100, x1751
177 Dooling Hall
Joseph Traglia
Systems Administrator
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1777
14A Dooling Hall
Maria Tran
Evening Circulation Clerk
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1266
Trexler Library
Tyler Trumbauer
Field Marketing Coordinator
610-282-1100, x2007
University Center
Justin Trumbull
Admissions Counselor
Admissions, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1668
145 Dooling Hall
Aleesa Tucker-Parks
Instructor of Dance
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1262
107 Labuda Center
Wayne Turney
Professor Emeritas
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Labuda Center
Rachel Turoscy
Softball Coach/Lecturer
610-282-1100, x1614
114 Billera Hall
John Urban
Police Officer
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x2711
Lawless Center
Kristy Valladares
Associate Director of Career Education and Engagement
Career Development Center
610-282-1100, x1948
121 Dooling Hall
Melanie Vallone
Director of the Career Development Center
Career Development Center, Student Life
610-282-1100, x2778
121B Dooling Hall
David VanderGast
Coordinator of Veterans and Military Services
Office of Veterans and Military Services
610-282-1100, x1892
215 Dooling Hall
Dennis Varley, DMA
Associate Professor, Director of Liturgical Music
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1381
112 Brisson Hall
Daniel Villanti
Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund
Alumni Relations, Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x2112
103 Chappuis Hall
Gail Vogel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Education, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1752
120 Dooling Hall
Rebecca Vogeler
Office Assistant: Registrar’s Office
Registrar's Office
610-282-1100, x1212
157 Dooling Hall
Jennifer Vorhis
Program Administrator for MBA
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x1450
242I Gambet Center
Michael Wagner, MFA
Associate Professor
School of Performing Arts, College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1603
135 Labuda Center
Dana Walko
Data Processing Coordinator
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1678
102 Chappuis Hall
Joseph Walsh, MA, MS
Adjunct Professor
College of Sciences
Jennifer Walz
Instructional Designer
CERT - Center for Educational Resources and Technology
610-282-1100, x1867
105 Brisson Hall
Angus Wang
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of College of Healthcare Professions
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2024
121 Brisson Hall
Rachel Warden
SLP Program Assistant
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2179
101 Wills Hall
Sherry Warren
Administrative Assistant: University Police
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1853
Lawless Center
Jessica S. Watson, PT, DPT, GCS
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2164
213 Wills Hall
Austin Weaver
Systems Programmer
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1721
11A-4 Dooling Hall
Al Weiner
Men's Cross Country/Track Coach
610-282-1100, x1418
104A Billera Hall
Derrick R. Wetzel
Vice President of Enrollment Management
President's Cabinet, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1711
147 Dooling Hall
Deborah Whittaker, Ed.D., MSN, RN, RNC-MNN
Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs; Professor
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2066
134 Gambet Center
Terese Wignot, Ph.D.
Academic Affairs Office, President's Cabinet, Office of the Provost
610-282-1100, x1405
118 Brisson Hall
Lisa Wilde, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1264
257 Dooling Hall
Richard Williams
Chief of Police
Police and Public Safety
610-282-1100, x1837
Lawless Center
Shannon Williams
Assistant Director of Advising
Academic Success Center
610-282-1100, x1459
61 Dooling Hall
Michelle Winter
Head Athletics Trainer
610-282-1100, x2181
149 Billera Hall
Gregory Wintle
Admissions Counselor
Admissions, Enrollment Management
610-282-1100, x1412
131 Dooling Hall
Kiersten K. Withrow, MSN, RNC-OB, CBE
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions, School of Nursing
610-282-1100, x2833
231 Gambet Center
Mark Wojciechowski
Athletic Trainer
610-282-1100, x1255
149 Billera Hall
Cassandra Wolfe
Campus Environment Coordinator
Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x2230
Buckley Center
Valerie Wolfenden
Division Secretary
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x2841
242 Gambet Center
Carolyn Woodward
Assistant Director of Adult and Graduate Studies
Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS), Admissions, Graduate Programs
610-282-1100, x1315
140 Dooling Hall
Megan Wukitsch, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC
FNP Joint Appointment
School of Nursing, College of Healthcare Professions
Kate Yaglowski
Clinical Assistant
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1457
147H Gambet Center
Brett Yardley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x1637
241 Dooling Hall
Ahmet S. Yayla, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Director, Center for Homeland Security
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1373
210 Brisson Hall
Michael Yergey
Assistant Dean of Adult and Continuing Education
Academic Affairs Office, Adult Studies (formerly ACCESS)
610-282-1100, x1345
124 Brisson Hall
Galina Ivanovna Yermolenko, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1651
267 Dooling Hall
Michael Yorgey
Campus Media Engineer
Campus Environment
610-282-1100, x1579
37-1 Dooling Hall
Melissa M. Lenhart Young
Associate Registrar
Registrar's Office
610-282-1100, x1349
157 Dooling Hall
Sarah Xia Yu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
610-282-1100, x1677
262 Dooling Hall
Michele Zabinski
Women's Volleyball Coach/Intramural/Lecturer
610-282-1100, x1211
157A Billera Hall
Kathleen Zamietra
Health Sciences and Nursing Librarian
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1346
Trexler Library
Linda Zerbe
Vice President
Student Life, President's Cabinet
610-282-1100, x1272
120 Dorothy Day
Ed Zimmerman, MLIS, MSOL
Director of Trexler Library
Trexler Library
610-282-1100, x1253
Trexler Library
Joseph Zukauskas
MBA Assistant Director
Kathleen Waterbury and J.B. Reilly School of Business
610-282-1100, x2137
249 Gambet Center
Albino Soleta
Healthcare Receptionist
College of Healthcare Professions
610-282-1100, x2773
147 Gambet Center
Scott McCulloch
Assistant Professor
College of Sciences
610-282-1100, x1826
106 Brisson Hall
Allison White
Coordinator of Testing
Office of Student Accessibility
610-282-1100, x1239
19 Dooling Hall
Ian Tauber
Prospect Researcher and Portfolio Developer
Institutional Advancement
610-282-1100, x1789
104 Chappuis Hall
William Borusiewicz
Associate Box Office Manager
PA Shakespeare Festival
610-282-1100, x547
101 Labuda Center
Emily Marrero
Social Media Specialist
Marketing and Communications
610-282-1100, x1740
228 Brisson Hall
Christopher Creasy
Card System Administrator
Information Technology
610-282-1100, x1870
11A-4 Dooling Hall