Campus Spring

Andrew M. Essig, Ph.D

Andrew Essig's Profile Picture

Andrew Essig

Position: Professor, Chair of Behavioral and Social Sciences Department, Chair of Political Science Program

Department: College of Sciences

Phone: 610-282-1100, x1632

Office: 201 Brisson Hall


Andrew Essig received a BA in economics (1989) from St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA; MA (1993) and Ph.D. (2001) in political science from Penn State University, University Park, PA. He studied from 1994-1996 at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel, Germany through the DAAD.

Dr. Essig's current associational memberships include: the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, University Faculty for Life, the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, the International Association for Intelligence Educators, and the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation.

He has several published articles: “John Paul II and the New International Order” Catholic Social Science Review, “U.S.-Holy See Diplomacy” The Catholic Historical Review, “Catholic International Relations Theory” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, and “The World Bank” and “The World Health Organization” C-FAM whitepapers, among others. His current areas of interest include: U.S.-Holy See diplomatic relations and Catholic International Relations Theory.

He teaches numerous courses in international relations, along with introductory courses in American government and political philosophy. 

Dr. Essig established the Alpha Beta Sigma chapter of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society at DeSales in spring 2004, as well as the DeSales Model U.N. Club and National Security Club. He has also created a National Security Track within the Political Science Program for students interested in a career in the national security community. Dr. Essig has given numerous lectures for various organizations in the Lehigh Valley on topics dealing with international affairs and American politics.