Campus Spring

Rodney Howsare, Ph.D.

Rodney Howsare's Profile Picture

Rodney Howsare

Position: Professor

Department: College of Arts, Education, and Humanities

Phone: 610-282-1100, x1389

Office: 238 Dooling Hall


Dr. Howsare joined the faculty of DeSales University in 1999, was promoted to the rank of tenured professor in 2010, and became department chair in 2019. He holds a doctoral degree from Marquette University, with a specialization in fundamental theology.

His book publications include: "Hans Urs von Balthasar and Protestantism: The Ecumenical Implications of His Theological Style" (T&T Clark Publishers, 2005), "How Balthasar Changed My Mind" (co-edited with Larry Chapp for Herder&Herder, 2008), "Hans Urs von Balthasar: A Guide for the Perplexed" (T&T Clark, 2009).

More recently he has written chapters for the "T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement," the "Oxford Handbook for Hans Urs von Balthasar," and articles for "Communio," "Nova et Vetera," "Pro Ecclesia" and other journals. He is a member of the Academy of Catholic Theology and the Catholic Theology Society of America.