About DeSales University

Sustainability at DeSales

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Sustainability at DeSales

DeSales is committed to creating a better future through education, community action, and continuous improvement.

As a Catholic, Salesian university, our sustainable initiatives follow the principles of Laudato Si’ (Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on caring for our common home) and its action platform. 

By recognizing the connection between God, humans, and the planet, we can take transformative action to care for creation and serve the common good.

In that pursuit, all sustainable action taken at DeSales is rooted in:

  • Discovering God in all things.
  • Ecological education.
  • Responding to the cries of the earth and the poor.
  • Adopting sustainable lifestyles that promote sobriety in the use of resources and energy.
  • Community engagement and participatory action at various levels​​​​​​​.

“All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.” – Laudato Si’ 14

Get Involved

DeSales has several departments and student organizations that are helping in the effort to make our campus more sustainable.

  • Campus Sustainability Coalition: Comprised of students, faculty, and staff. Contact sustainability@desales.edu.
  • The Green Team: A student organization that aims to improve the sustainability of our campus, our community, and our world.
  • Students for Sustainability: A student organization that aims to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • Center for Service and Social Justice (CSSJ): Directed by Jaime Gerhart, this center provides public service opportunities for all members of the University community. Visit the CSSJ on MyDSU.

Sustainability Initiatives

Contact Us

Office of Sustainability

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