Campus Spring

Melissa Bartholomew, MSN, BSW, RN, AGPCNP-BC

Melissa Bartholomew's Profile Picture

Melissa Bartholomew

Position: Instructor

Department: College of Healthcare Professions

Phone: 610-282-1100, x2555

Office: 225 Gambet Center


Melissa Bartholomew is a nursing instructor in the Division of Nursing. Her registered nurse clinical background includes case management, home care, hospice and geriatrics. Her nurse practitioner clinical background includes Palliative Care, Hospice and home Palliative Care services. She has worked in the community setting for 20+ years as a home health aide, social worker, registered nurse and nurse practitioner.

Bartholomew teaches in both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Her undergraduate teaching responsibilities include community/public health and fundamentals of nursing. On the graduate level, teaching responsibilities include Clinical Prevention in Population Health.

Bartholomew is currently a PhD candidate in nursing education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Her research is focused on social determinants of health and end of life care. She earned a BSW with a minor in gerontology and BSN from Misericordia University. She earned a graduate certificate in Gerontology from University of Massachusetts, and her MSN with a certificate in Adult-Gero Primary Care Nurse Practitioner from the University of Cincinnati.

Her professional organization memberships includes Sigma Theta Tau International, American Public Health Association, Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, PA Nurses Association and PA Nurse Practitioner Association.