Position: Admissions Counselor
Department: Admissions
Phone: 610-282-1100, x1668
Office: 145 Dooling Hall
My favorite thing about DeSales is the small class sizes. I liked that I'd know everyone in my class and the professors would know everyone on a personal level as well.
My favorite thing about campus is the size of DeSales. The small class sizes allowed me to form relationships quickly with my classmates and also my professors, who knew me by name within the first week of classes starting. I loved that I never had to walk too far to get to where I was heading next, and all of the beautiful open fields that were on campus.
Always visit schools! The best way to see if you’ll fit into the existing community at any university is by taking a tour and meeting faculty. Take advantage of all of the events colleges offer, so you can truly get a sense of if that university is the right fit for you.