Position: Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs; Professor
Department: School of Nursing
Phone: 610-282-1100, x2066
Office: 134 Gambet Center
Dr. Deborah Whittaker is a professor of clinical nursing in the Division of Nursing. Additionally, Dr. Whittaker is the Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs. She has a background in a variety of patient care settings, including hospitals and home health. Her clinical experience includes obstetrics, newborn, pediatrics, orthopedics, and neurology as well as management experience in pediatric endocrinology. Dr. Whittaker is certified in Maternal Newborn Nursing.
Dr. Whittaker teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Her undergraduate teaching responsibilities have included Fundamentals of Nursing, Nursing of the Childbearing Family, Concepts of Professional Nursing, Senior Integrating Seminar, and Senior Internship. On the graduate level, teaching responsibilities include Clinical Prevention in Population Health. Dr. Whittaker enjoys teaching in the traditional classroom as well as online, in the laboratory, and in the clinical setting. In her leisure time, Dr. Whittaker enjoys outdoor activities with her family, church, and spending time with friends.
Dr. Whittaker received her BSN with academic distinction from the State University of New York at Binghamton, MSN in nursing education with specialization in women’s health from DeSales University, and her Ed.D. in organizational leadership with an emphasis in higher education from Grand Canyon University, Arizona. Dr. Whittaker is the chair of the nursing undergraduate admissions and standards committee, the outcomes assessment committee, as well as an active participant on several university committees. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International, Mu Omicron Chapter.