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Make Your Deposit

Have you been accepted to DeSales University? If you haven't done so already, please make your tuition deposit. Then, you'll be given access to MyDSU, your one-stop shop for all things DeSales.

You can also make your deposit in person at DeSales' Office of the Treasurer in Dooling Hall. Office Hours are M-F,  8am to 5pm. 

Call 610.282.1100, ext. 1474 for more information.

Bursar's Office

Frequently Asked Questions

Refund Policy

A refund of payments will be made to a student who withdraws honorably from DeSales University.

In all cases, the refund will be credited from the date the student completed the registrar’s official withdrawal process and will be based on the amount of time the student has spent at the University until the semester is 60% complete. At this time all applicable tuition—fees, room and board, and financial aid— shall be considered to be 100% earned. For example, if the length of the semester is 100 days, and the student withdraws after 30 days, 30% of all charges would be considered earned and a 70% refund of all charges will be applied. If the student withdraws after 75 days, all charges are considered 100% earned and a refund will not be applied.

When rooms are vacated voluntarily during the term, there will be no refund for the semester’s room and board for students who have not withdrawn from the University. If the vacating is involuntary, because of discipline or some other University-initiated reason, a pro-rata refund will be disbursed.

Please note: Students who have already received a refund of a credit balance may owe money to the University and/or to the Title IV financial aid programs in the case of withdrawal within the first 60% of the semester.

Transcripts will not be issued by DeSales University for any student who has an outstanding financial obligation.

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