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Ross Saveri , '20

Homeland Security

Within the first week of the transfer process to DeSales, I knew that the right choice was made. Their immediate willingness to assist in a multitude of ways is beyond comforting for students facing a new environment.

The Homeland Security program at DeSales is not only unique, but touches on every interesting aspect within the field, thus opening an array of opportunities for students upon graduation. Classes range from law enforcement, emergency management, or cybercrime, all the way to counter-terrorism and intelligence. The opportunities are truly endless.

Within the first week of the transfer process to DeSales, I knew that the right choice was made. Their immediate willingness to assist in a multitude of ways is beyond comforting for students facing a new environment. 

Once completing my associate's degree in a similar major from Northampton Community College DeSales was able to match my credits with ease. Utilizing the direct transfer agreement between the two schools, I was able to set foot on campus as a first semester junior with no problems. Additionally, my academic achievements at NCC allowed me to gain scholarships at DeSales, effectively cutting my tuition by over half. These factors, coupled with the incredible staff, campus, and values at DeSales made my decision to transfer beyond easy. 

The campus environment is calm, spread out, and allows plenty of space to focus on academics. The countless resources made available such as technology, academic assistance, career opportunities, and campus activities make the DeSales campus diverse and accommodating. Arriving at school was like arriving at a second home, making graduation both exciting and somber. Luckily, I know I'll always have a family to reach out to right on 2755 Station Avenue.

Ross Sevari 2020 DeSales University
...I was able to set foot on campus as a first semester junior with no problems. Additionally, my academic achievements at NCC allowed me to gain scholarships at DeSales, effectively cutting my tuition by over half. These factors, coupled with the incredible staff, campus, and values at DeSales made my decision to transfer beyond easy.
Ross Saveri , '20