Seeking Success Career Blog

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Lessons From Getting Lost

Feeling lost? Believe me, you’re not alone.

Time Management: The Perfect Tool for Balancing Passions with Coursework

Educating the Education Majors

As a recent Early Childhood Education graduate from DeSales University, I tried to take advantage of any opportunity that allowed me to progress in...

Unlocking Transferable Skills: The Power of Volunteering

My career at DeSales University started with volunteering.

The Laptop Lifestyle

As a recent graduate or current college student, you've likely spent a large chunk of your academic career attending classes remotely due to...

You Can Do It Both: LSAT and Schoolwork

Are you applying for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), but it is the middle of the school year, and you feel likeyou don’t have time to...

Rejection, Not Dejection

As a student or graduate applying for jobs, you likely had high hopes of quickly landing your dream job or internship. You polished your resume,...

3 Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Taking a Chance

When it comes to building your resume, your portfolio, or your career, you encounter a lot of opportunities that do not seem worth it or perhaps...

Don't Know Something? Ask for Help!

I had one question for my professor when I was preparing to leave Rome: “know any good coffee spots?”

Finding YOUR Value

Ever ask someone how their job is and their response is, “living the dream?” Yet, they say it in such a way you know that it is not the...

The Value of Having a Multitude of Experiences

I am frequently asked: “Why are you always working?” My answer is both complex and simple.

Senior Scaries: Fear of Graduating

Ever since I was young, I have known that I have wanted to be a teacher.

Embracing Change: The Journey in Changing Your Major and Unlocking New Possibilities

Choosing a major is a crucial decision that shapes a student's academic journey and future career. It is not, however, uncommon for college...

Behind the Curtain: Balancing the Performing Arts with a Dual Major

“Why did you decide to major in this? What are you going to do with it”?

Making the Most out of Your College Experience: Tips for Incoming First-Years

As I enter my senior year, I am able to reflect upon what helped get me to where I am now in my college career.

Starting a New Position Off on the Right Foot

Whether you’re a recent grad or an established professional, transitioning to a new job, work environment and culture can be daunting.

Disconnecting from Work and Connecting with Yourself

Gaining Experience Through Side Hustles

Shooting for the Moon and Exploring the Stars

From the very first moment I heard the words, "shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars," I knew that they...

Maximizing Your Career Development: Using SEO on LinkedIn

In today's digital era, social networking sites such as LinkedIn have become indispensable tools for professionals looking to expand their...

Jump in the Ocean: Make the Most of your College Experience

As a senior at the end of my college career, I have been taking the time to reflect on my four years here.

Your Values are Vital to Career Satisfaction

From an early age we are asked questions such as, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and “What will you major in when you...

Game. Set. Match. Skills an Athlete Can Bring to the Workplace

Sports have been a major part of my life growing up and have shaped me into the person I am today.

Confidence is Key in Public Speaking

Public speaking: everyone’s favorite thing to do, right?