Meet Carter Fehlinger: Communication Studies Major and 2024 Leadership Scholarship Winner

Zionsville, Pa. 

1. Why communication studies?

For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate about creative writing. During high school, I really got into journalism. My journalism teacher was very kind and helpful, and she really pushed me to become a journalist. I have a position on the DeSales Messenger now as the editor of the entertainment and arts section. 

2. Describe your reaction when you found out you won the scholarship.

I was just shocked. I couldn’t believe I got in. I knew I got pretty far when I found out I was going into the interview. But I didn’t think I would actually make it. 

It was a real blessing. I try to showcase my gratitude here by working hard and sharing my gifts and passions with others.  

3. What do you hope to accomplish now that you’re on campus? 

I’m going to continue trying to be myself; to be kind and helpful to other students. To get good grades while also maintaining a good work-life balance. And to keep practicing my religion, making sure I never lose touch of my connection with God.

4. Tell us about the holiday card drive you started in honor of your grandmother.

It’s called Grammy’s Greeters. It was created in the holiday season of 2022 to honor my Grammy, who passed away that October. The relationship I had with her was very special. I decided to honor her memory because I was inspired by Chris Stevens ’11, a DeSales alumni who created Mom Mom’s Merry Messengers. 

I brought my family members on board and we got other friends and people in the community involved. We started writing out cards and delivered them to some of the healthcare facilities my Grammy stayed at to give them some holiday cheer. 

5. Advice for future Leadership Scholarship applicants? 

I would bring up Mr. Rogers’ helpers quote: “When I was a young boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

That quote is very important considering how at the end of a storm, there’s always a rainbow. Keep trudging through the storm because it will be worth it in the end. 

The Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales. The deadline to submit your application, essay, and resume is Sunday, December 1, 2024.