Meet Jakeily Fernandez: Accounting Major and 2024 Leadership Scholarship Winner

Allentown, Pa.  

1. You mention in your application essay that your parents influenced your entrepreneurial mindset. How so?

My parents showed me the power of perseverance. They came to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic with nothing. Despite their challenges, they accomplished so much—without using their disadvantages as an excuse to not pursue their dreams. They focused on what they could achieve, teaching me that with determination and hard work, anything is possible. That’s why I aim to take every opportunity that comes my way. Even if I don’t always succeed, at least I know I gave it a try.

2. You also said that knowledge is the key to success.

Continually seeking knowledge leads to discovering more efficient ways to approach life's challenges. Wisdom is built upon a foundation of knowledge, and one way to actively seek wisdom is by humbling yourself and realizing there is always more to learn. Reflecting on both your mistakes and achievements will help you develop discernment, which in turn will help you make more thoughtful decisions.

3. Do you hope to own your own business one day?

I aspire to own my own business one day and plan to use my accounting degree to help others achieve their business goals with integrity. I envision myself in a dynamic environment where I can continue to grow both personally and professionally. I don’t just want to be Jakeily the CPA, but someone who is responsible, honest, and considerate. Being deeply family oriented, I also hope to support and contribute to my family’s businesses in every way I can.

4. How do you balance academic responsibilities with leadership roles and extracurricular activities?

I step back at times and remind myself that we’re all human. Even in leadership, it’s important to take a moment to pause and reflect. Taking time for quiet prayer helps me stay grounded and manage everything more effectively.

5. What is the most valuable lesson you've learned from your leadership experiences so far?

A great leader is always humble. It’s essential to consider how your actions impact others rather than just yourself, as no one appreciates a selfish leader. It’s also key to make everyone feel heard and valued in some way.

The Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales. The deadline to submit your application, essay, and resume is Sunday, December 1, 2024.