2023 Posts
Student Life
Undergraduate Studies
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Graduate Studies
School of Education
Education Knows No Borders: Flor Caceres Godoy’s Story
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Digital Forensics Dominates Fourth Annual Center for Homeland Security Conference
Student Life
DeSales Kicks Off Holiday Season with DUCsgiving, Tree Lighting Ceremony
School of Performing Arts
Meet Fiona O’Brien: Theatre Major and Leadership Scholarship Winner
College of Business
A Conversation with Thomas Craig, Ph.D., Marine Corps Sergeant (E5)
Act 1
School of Performing Arts
Act 1 Presents “Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella” for the Holidays
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
A Conversation with Allison Hoff ’23, M’25, Cadet
Student Life
School of Performing Arts
Award-Winning Actress Adrienne Warren Visits DeSales Theatre Students
Undergraduate Studies
School of Education
Meet Erin Shammo: Early Childhood Education Major and Leadership Scholarship Winner
College of Sciences
A Conversation with Carrie Ellis, Army Physical Therapist
School of Performing Arts
DeSales Veterans Day Ceremony Honors Heroes Past and Present
Undergraduate Studies
School of Nursing
Meet Avery Fitz: Nursing Major and Leadership Scholarship Winner
School of Nursing
Undergraduate Studies
Katelyn Kunz Receives Scholarship from Nightingale Awards
Undergraduate Studies
A Conversation with Jhan Poza ’25, Staff Sergeant
Act 1
School of Performing Arts
Lee Butz Honored for 40 Years of Photography at Arts Angels Dinner
Undergraduate Studies
College of Business
Meet Joseph Conte: Business Administration Major and Leadership Scholarship Winner
Undergraduate Studies
PACE Hosts Friendship Speed-Dating for Social Anxiety Relief
School of Performing Arts
The DeSales Dance Season Opens with the Emerging Choreographers Concert
College of Sciences
Undergraduate Studies
Meet Douaa Abdeljebbar: Biology Major and 2023 Leadership Scholarship Winner
Student Life
Students Celebrate Fall with Octoberfest
Student Life
Students Explore Nation’s Capital on Mystery Trip
Undergraduate Studies
College of Healthcare Professions
Student Life
Character U Captain Helps Others Fight Homesickness
School of Nursing
Dean's List for Summer 2023: Accelerated Nursing
Adult Studies
Dean's List for Summer 2023: Adult Studies
Student Life
The Art of Joyful Giving
School of Nursing
Bridging the Gaps Celebrates 15 Years in the Lehigh Valley
The Man Behind the Billboard
School of Performing Arts
Homecoming 2023: DeSales Cuts the Ribbon on New Labuda Expansion
Student Life
DeSales Unites Against Hunger During Mission Convocation
Act 1
School of Performing Arts
DeSales University’s Act 1 Presents “Intimate Apparel”
College of Healthcare Professions
Doctor of Physical Therapy Program’s Class of 2023 Awarded Diplomas
Student Life
Men’s Lacrosse Team Hosts Third Annual 9/11 Stair Climb
College of Healthcare Professions
Physician Assistant Program Celebrates Class of 2023
Undergraduate Studies
Orientation 2023: A New Beginning and a Bittersweet End
Undergraduate Studies
Welcome to Campus, Class of 2027
College of Sciences
Beyond the Lab: SURF Students Support Local Community
Undergraduate Studies
College of Sciences
Preparing Students to Succeed in the Sciences
School of Nursing
A Chance Encounter Inspires a Career in Care
School of Nursing
Undergraduate Studies
Mary Bushner Receives First Margaret Kender Trailblazer Award
Undergraduate Studies
Ana Belén Guerin '23: Provincial Medal of Honor Winner
Undergraduate Studies
Dean's List for Spring 2023: Traditional Undergraduate Students
School of Nursing
Dean's List for Spring 2023: Accelerated Nursing
Adult Studies
Dean's List for Spring 2023: Adult Studies
Undergraduate Studies
Xavier Gordon ’23: President’s Medal Winner
School of Nursing
A Second Calling—Cameron Kieffer’s Transition from Soldier to Nurse
School of Performing Arts
One Last Bow: Charity for Change Founders Graduate
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Undergraduate Studies
Career Focused: Students Complete Essential Summer Internships in Marketing and Counseling
College of Healthcare Professions
Special Update
School of Nursing
DeSales Honored as a 2023-2024 College of Distinction
Student Life
Congrats to Our 2023 Student Life Award Winners
School of Education
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
DeSales Adjunct Professor Installed as President of Maria College
School of Performing Arts
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
Lights, Camera, Cooking! Chef Eliza Martin Films Reality TV Pitch on Campus
Undergraduate Studies
The Class of 2023 Award Winners
Undergraduate Studies
Turning the Tassel: Congratulations, Class of 2023
Special Update
Hearts on Fire Day of Giving Exceeds Fundraising and Participation Goals, Again
College of Healthcare Professions
Graduate Studies
Everyone Comes Out Changed: DPT Students Provide Care, Compassion to Undocumented Patients
College of Arts, Education, and Humanities
School of Performing Arts
TV/Film Program Earns Grant to Teach and Promote Film Set Safety
College of Healthcare Professions
Graduate Studies
MSPAS, MSN, and DNP Programs Among U.S. News & World Report’s 2023-2024 Best Graduate Schools
Undergraduate Studies
School of Nursing
Dean's List for Fall 2022: Accelerated Nursing
Undergraduate Studies
Dean's List for Fall 2022: Traditional Undergraduate Students
School of Performing Arts
Act 1