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Creating a Lavish LinkedIn

by Kelsey Smith, Career Ambassador Oct 26, 2020

The past few months of this year have been anything but predictable. As networking and career searching shift toward an online approach, it is crucial that our professional agendas are current.

More often than ever before, employers are interviewing potential candidates via Zoom, Skype, phone interviews, and other mediums of online communication.

The presence of face-to face networking has shifted to the virtual world, and as a result, so have our professional documents.

As a platform dedicated to creating professional relationships, online networking and communication, and employer to employee contact, LinkedIn provides a convenient way for new college graduates (and professionals of any age) to obtain their dream career. LinkedIn allows for the display of related experiences, personal biographies, educational experience and more. The LinkedIn social networking platform allows for personal branding. The following tips will ensure you have a developed an impressive LinkedIn.

Choose the right profile picture

For most employers, this picture will be the first time they place a “face to the name”. It is imperative that your profile picture represents your professional agenda. First, you should always ensure that your face makes up 60-70% of the frame. Full body pictures and self-portraits tend to fall slightly on the unprofessional side. Make sure that your attire fits a professional environment and avoid outfits that you would not wear in the workplace. A warm and inviting smile will always attract a potential employer!

Personalize your headline

Your headline on your LinkedIn profile should be more than just your job title. Utilize this space to elaborate on your overall role for the company, what motivates you to continue that specific career path, and how your career best suits your personality. It is important to include your job title, but emphasize how the role has impacted you and your professional development.

Make your summary about you!

This is one of the easiest ways to tell your own story. Bring all the skills, experience, and job titles that you’ve had to the table. Emphasize why those matter and how they can positively impact the company you wish to be employed by. Don’t be afraid to invest some time, try a few drafts, and run your summary past people you know!

Network, network, network!

One of the easiest and yet most relevant ways to grow your LinkedIn network is to reach out to potential employers that you have met at virtual networking events. Immediately upon exchanging contact information, consider asking the potential employer to connect on LinkedIn. This will ensure you keep your network vibrant and up to date.

Include skills that can be easily endorsed

When creating or updating your LinkedIn, choose skills to include in your profile that are relevant to you. This further enhances your experience and provides a platform for others to endorse you. These skills should not be the centerpiece of your profile, but rather complement the experiences that you previously elaborated on. Feel free to update these as you gain new experience and skill sets!

Spotlight the services you offer

“Services” is the newest LinkedIn feature that helps freelancers and those working for smaller businesses to showcase the services that they offer. Filling out the Services section of your profile can boost your visibility in search results.

Learn through LinkedIn

When you complete a course on LinkedIn Learning, you can choose to include a certificate of course completion to your LinkedIn profile. Through LinkedIn Learning, you can receive course recommendations tailored to you, utilize practice quizzes, and view courses virtually anywhere you go.

Share content to your LinkedIn feed

Having an established network on LinkedIn is a great start, but as you begin to personalize your profile, consider sharing relevant content to your feed. You will appear in your connections’ LinkedIn feeds in a way that adds value for them. Share content that you find genuinely interesting, that aligns with your values, and can enhance your potentiality to land that dream job.

Keep your profile mature, up-to-date, and viewed often!

This platform provides one of the most hands-on forms of networking that has ever been created. As we share our personal stories, experiences, and content, it is crucial that it reflects our professional life. Make sure to check on your LinkedIn multiple times a week and update your experience sections as often as you gain new ones. After all, your beautifully constructed LinkedIn profile could be the reason a potential employer reaches out!

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